cd ~
git clone
cd SeekDeep
SeekDeep is one command line program that contains several programs within that all combined together make up the SeekDeep targeted sequencing analysis pipeline. Currently installs only MAC, Ubuntu, and other UNIX based systems is supported.
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Source code for the program is hosted at github and can be downloaded by either using git (recommended) or by downloading a compressed folder of the code
The recommended approach is to use git to clone the repository for the code because this is the easiest way to keep the code up to date.
Or downloading compressed folder, latest version is v3.0.1, this is not recommended as this will make it harder to keep the code up to date
You need to install either clang or g++-10 or greater to compile SeekDeep, the latest g++ (g++-10) is recommended as it will provide the fastest binary.
For installing on Ubuntu the repository needs to be added for you version of Ubuntu before it can be installed via apt-get install. clang-3.8 or higher is required. So depending on your version of Ubuntu, which can be check with lsb_release -sc
, add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list or to a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ which can be named llvm.list to keep track of what is in there
For Ubuntu version 14.04 trusty
#add to /etc/apt/sources.list
#or create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list and add there
deb llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.8 main
deb-src llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.8 main
deb llvm-toolchain-trusty main
deb-src llvm-toolchain-trusty main
Or For Ubuntu version 16.04 xenial
#add to /etc/apt/sources.list
#or create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list and add there
deb llvm-toolchain-xenial-3.8 main
deb-src llvm-toolchain-xenial-3.8 main
deb llvm-toolchain-xenial main
deb-src llvm-toolchain-xenial main
Or rather than adding those lines by hand you can use the below commands to create and add to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list (version will be determined)
echo "deb"$(lsb_release -sc)"/ llvm-toolchain-"$(lsb_release -sc)"-3.8 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list
echo "deb-src"$(lsb_release -sc)"/ llvm-toolchain-"$(lsb_release -sc)"-3.8 main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list
echo "deb"$(lsb_release -sc)"/ llvm-toolchain-"$(lsb_release -sc)" main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list
echo "deb-src"$(lsb_release -sc)"/ llvm-toolchain-"$(lsb_release -sc)" main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list
Now just add the gpg key and then install with apt-get
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For Ubuntu, the repository for the newest gcc needs to be added and g++-10 or higher can be installed
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A few external libraries are needed for the libraries that SeekDeep uses. As of 2.5.2 only cmake (needed by bamtools, restbed,and jsoncpp) is needed.
To get the newest cmake, the following ppa can be added and then install via apt-get install
Or you can use the setup script from SeekDeep to install SeekDeep. You will then need to add SeekDeep/bin, where it will install cmake, to your PATH variable before continuing.
To get git
For a newly installed Ubuntu environment, the following script is used and may be of use rather then installing just what is needed like above.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
##!!!!!!!!!! Use your owntime zone here !!!!!!!!!!!
echo America/New_York | sudo tee /etc/timezone && sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get -y autoremove
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential software-properties-common libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install -y git make
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y g++-10
cd ~
git clone
cd SeekDeep
./ --libs cmake:3.7.2 --symlinkBin
echo "" >> ~/.profile && echo "#Add SeekDeep bin to your path" >> ~/.profile && echo "export PATH=\"$(pwd)/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.profile
. ~/.profile
./ --addBashCompletion
./ 7
#add other tools
./ --libs muscle:3.8.31 --symlinkBin --overWrite
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For non-sudo users on a Ubuntu machine if you cannot get your admin to install the dependencies above I would recommend using linuxbrew which is a useful software for local users anyways as it contains more up to date software than the default Ubuntu repositories.
The install is easy and depends only that your machine has ruby,curl, git, and python-setuptools. If you don’t have those on your machine you may need your admin to run the following
You then can run the following to install
And then to add brew to your path to use brew itself and the tools it install
And to make it so it’s automatically added at login add to your ~/.profile
or ~/.bash_profile
depending which file exists
Now you can use brew to install dependencies and then compfile SeekDeep,
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Once code has been downloaded it needs to be compiled but first come dependencies have to be downloaded and a compiler has to be chosen. SeekDeep requires > g++-10 or clang++-3.8 to be compiled.
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Calling configure will create a file called which will contain info on the libraries needed and what compilers to use, this is give to to download the libraries SeekDeep relay on. This may take some time especially if being done on a machine that doesn’t have many cores. Some of these dependencies might be worked out in future releases making install easier.
This command should report on whether anything failed to install, if this does happen, contact Nick Hathaway at to complain to him his install is annoying and therefore failing, and send along any errors messages that can be found.
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If the was able to install everything, next is to make SeekDeep itself which takes a simple make
command and will compile SeekDeep in a directory called bin/ in the SeekDeep directory
To use more cores to speed up make use -j, below would use 4 cores
Again if this fails to compile, complain to Nick ( that he should get his act together to make this an easier install.
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To call SeekDeep from the command line it will need to be called either with it’s full name or adding the bin directory in the SeekDeep directory to your environmental path. This is done by modifying your ~/.profile file (on MAC it’s ~/.bash_profile). Also this won’t take effect until this file is sourced either on your next log in or by called source ~/.profile
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A lot of the flags in SeekDeep can be long and annoying to type in so auto flag completion has been added in the folder SeekDeep/etc/bash_completion.d in a file called SeekDeep. The content of this file should be added to ~/.bash_completion though your shell environment must already be set up for bash completion which is true for most Ubuntu. There is also a command in ./
that will add this to .bash_completion for you (it simply does what was said above and puts the contents of the file in SeekDeep/etc/bash_completion.d/SeekDeep to ~/.bash_completion)
muscle is a third party tools that SeekDeep call and should be installed as
To get a list of commands that SeekDeep can call simply call it without any arguments
Version 3.0.2-dev
Use SeekDeep [PROGRAM] --help to see more details about each program
Commands are not case sensitive
1) extractor
2) extractorByKmerMatching
3) extractorPairedEnd
4) kluster
5) makeSampleDirectories
6) processClusters
7) qluster
1) genProjectConfig
2) popClusteringViewer
01) benchmarkControlMixturesOnProcessedClustersDir
02) benchmarkMultiTarAmpControlMixtures
03) benchmarkTarAmpControlMixtures
04) deRepPopClusDir
05) dryRunQualityFiltering
06) gatherInfoOnTargetedAmpliconSeqFile
07) genTargetInfoFromGenomes
08) getPossibleSampleNamesFromRawInput
09) primersToFasta
10) rBind
11) replaceUnderscores
12) runMultipleCommands
13) SampleBarcodeFileToSeekDeepInput
14) setupTarAmpAnalysis
15) variantCallOnSeqAndProtein
Then to call a sub-command just type it’s name after SeekDeep, and without adding arguments will automatically print it’s help message
Also the commands and flags of SeekDeep are not case sensitive so all the below would work