title: "Processing Coverage"
```{r setup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
## Read in meta and genome whole coverage and Finding low coverage in HRP gene areas
Processing coverage of the initial windows to determine samples with possible deletions of either HRP2, HRP3 or the end of chr11.
allMeta = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/meta.tab.txt" )
allMeta_filt = allMeta %>%
filter (is.na (site) | site != "LabContaminated" ,
inputFnp = "data/finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_withTuned/popClustering/reports/allBasicInfo.tab.txt.gz"
outputFnp = "initialCoverageDataObjects.Rdata"
if (! file.exists (outputFnp) | file.info (inputFnp)$ ctime > file.info (outputFnp)$ ctime){
cov = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/allCov_summaryStats.tab.txt.gz" )
allBasicInfo = readr:: read_tsv (inputFnp) %>%
filter (sample %fin% allMeta_filt$ sample)
allBasicInfo = allBasicInfo %>%
left_join (cov)
allBasicInfo_sampleCoverageStats = allBasicInfo %>%
group_by (sample) %>%
summarise (medianCov = median (perBaseCoverage),
meanCov = mean (perBaseCoverage))
allBasicInfo_sampleCoverageStats_highCov = allBasicInfo_sampleCoverageStats %>%
filter (medianCov > 5 )
allBasicInfo_higCov = allBasicInfo %>%
filter (sample %in% allBasicInfo_sampleCoverageStats_highCov$ sample)
allBasicInfo_higCov_covLessThan1Sum = allBasicInfo_higCov %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverage < 1 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (lowCov = sum (marker))
#these below regions have variable cross mapping in other strains
chrom13FilterRegions = c ("Pf3D7_13_v3-2852656-2852831" , "Pf3D7_13_v3-2853081-2853381" , "Pf3D7_13_v3-2853978-2854303" , "Pf3D7_13_v3-2855203-2855353" )
# filter coverage data to specific regions of interest
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest = allBasicInfo_higCov %>%
filter ((` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" & start > 2840426 & start < 2842301 ) |
(` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" & start > 1982395 ) |
(` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_08_v3" & start >= 1374235 & start < 1375485 ))
cov_highMedCov = cov %>%
filter (medianPerBaseCov_inGenes > 100 )
# now process to determine which samples potentially have deleted regions of interest base on coverage
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest = allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest %>%
mutate (perBaseCoverage = ifelse (readTotal <= ifelse (sample %in% cov_highMedCov$ sample, 20 , 10 ) & readTotalUsed == 0 & fullySpanningReads <= 1 , 0 , perBaseCoverage))
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ processedMarker = 0
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ processedSuccessMarker = 0
for (row in 2 : (nrow (allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest) - 1 )){
if (allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ sample[row] == allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ sample[row + 1 ]
& allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ ` #chrom ` [row] == allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ ` #chrom ` [row + 1 ]
& allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ perBaseCoverage[row - 1 ] == 0
& allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ perBaseCoverage[row] == 0
& allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ perBaseCoverage[row + 1 ] == 0
# & allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$perBaseCoverage[row - 1] < 0.1
# & allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$perBaseCoverage[row] < 0.1
# & allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$perBaseCoverage[row + 1] <0.1
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ processedMarker[row] = 1
if (allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ sample[row] == allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ sample[row + 1 ]
& allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ ` #chrom ` [row] == allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ ` #chrom ` [row + 1 ]
& allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ success[row - 1 ] == F
& allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ success[row] == F
& allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ success[row + 1 ] == F
# & allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$perBaseCoverage[row - 1] < 0.1
# & allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$perBaseCoverage[row] < 0.1
# & allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$perBaseCoverage[row + 1] <0.1
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest$ processedSuccessMarker[row] = 1
save (cov,
file = outputFnp)
} else {
load (outputFnp)
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum = allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest %>%
#filter(!is.na(extraField0)) %>%
# mutate(marker = ifelse(perBaseCoverage < 0.1, 1, 0)) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverage == 0 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
mutate (successMarker = ifelse (! success, 1 , 0 )) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (
lowCov = sum (marker),
lowCovStrict = sum (processedMarker),
lowSuccess = sum (successMarker),
lowSuccessStrict = sum (processedSuccessMarker),
total = n ()
) %>%
mutate (
lowCovPerc = lowCov / total,
lowCovStrictPerc = lowCovStrict / (total - 2 ),
lowSuccessPerc = lowSuccess / total,
lowSuccessStrictPerc = lowSuccessStrict / (total - 2 )
# there are several samples which due to high variability in coverage, all of which are sWGA samples or in other artifacts introduced by WGS processes that can't be easily filtered out programatically so
# they are removed based on analysis by hand
handRemovedSamples = c (
# chr08 hand investigations
"P178-D30" , "PD1192-C" , "IGS-BRA-018sA" , "PA0331-CW" , "T367" , "RCN09021" ,"RCN13559" , "RCN09011" , "RCN11871" , "RCN02972" , "SPT35541" , "T508" ,
# chr08 hand investigations on finer windows
"SPT24525" , "SPT24643" , "SPT24651" , "SPT24541" , "SPT24646" , "SPT24530" , "SPT24607" , "SPT24650" ,
# chr13 hand investigations
"SPT22213" , "RCN08027" , "RCN12032" , "SPT35322" , "SPT35228" , "SPT35354" ,"RCN02907" , "RCN02953" , "RCN08023" ,
"PF1157-Cx6" , "IGS-BRA-016sA" , "IGS-BRA-018sA" ,
"NHP4374" , "PA0809-CW" , "SPT21769" , "SPT35543" , "T498" , "T395" ,
"RCN02816" , "RCN02821" , "RCN02893" , "RCN03336" , "RCN03536" , "RCN02547" , "SPT21675" , "PA0331-CW" ,
"RCN14050" ,"SPT16994" ,"SPT38383" ,"SPT40863" ,"SPT38318" ,"SPT15609" ,"SPT38344" ,"SPT34334" ,"SPT38314" ,"SPT34321" ,"SPT17972" ,"SPT19692" ,"SPT12080" ,
# chr13 hand investigations on finer windows
"RCN13051" , "PR0262-C" , "SPT00902" , "SPT00903" , "SPT00898" , "SPT26258" , "SPT26293" , "SPT26254" ,
"PW0099-C" ,
"SPT24499" , "RCN13387" , "SPT21927" , "RCN08119" ,
"RCN13415" , "RCN13414" , "RCN13413" ,
"RCN13391" , "RCN13388" , "RCN11770" , "RCN11771" , "RCN13416" , "SPT21927" , "RCN09061" , "RCN11766" , "RCN13490" , "SPT25144" , "RCN09058" , "RCN09027" , "RCN09064" ,
"RCN12064" , "RCN11497" , "RCN02091" , "SPT18468" , "RCN13544" , "RCN11601" , "SPT24457" , "SPT43231" , "RCN02894" , "RCN02146" , "RCN02365" , "RCN02171" ,
"SPT15757" , "SPT35260" ,
# chr11 hand investigations
"SPT43093" , "RCN13306" ,"RCN13447" ,"RCN11811" ,"SPT43196" ,"RCN11158" ,"RCN11805" ,"RCN13308" ,"RCN13309" ,"RCN13269" ,"RCN13285" ,"RCN13267" ,"SPT43280" ,"RCN02046" ,"RCN13296" ,
"RCN13323" ,"RCN13310" ,"RCN09041" ,"RCN09043" ,"RCN09042" ,"RCN09071" ,"RCN11693" ,"RCN11696" ,"RCN11687" ,"RCN11644" ,"RCN09157" ,"RCN10396" ,"RCN11167" ,"RCN11223" ,
"RCN10306" ,"RCN00127" ,"RCN00266" ,"RCN09029" ,"RCN00129" ,"RCN02982" ,"RCN03040" ,"PM0744-CW" ,"RCN08298" ,"RCN11172" ,"RCN11234" ,"RCN10247" ,"RCN10297" ,"PA0295-CW" ,
"PR0006-CW" ,"NHP4224" ,"NHP4850" ,"RCN11636" ,"RCN13441" ,"RCN13324" ,"RCN09074" ,"RCN13437" ,"RCN09073" ,"RCN11494" ,"RCN11611" ,"RCN13515" ,"RCN13523" ,"RCN11787" ,
"RCN13532" ,"RCN02848" ,"SPT35212" ,"RCN11616" ,"RCN13336" ,"RCN13421" ,"SPT42050" ,"RCN13420" ,"RCN13481" ,"SPT36128" ,"SPT34434" ,"SPT36696" ,"SPT38311" ,"RCN13417" ,
"SPT34254" ,"RCN02341" ,"RCN13442" ,"RCN13911" ,"SPT19293" ,"SPT34315" ,"SPT34330" ,"SPT34327" ,"SPT34335"
# further removing SWGA samples and control mixtures
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov = allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum %>%
filter (! grepl ("^PG" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^[0-9]S[0-9]-[0-9]C[0-9]+" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^SenT" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^80[0-9]+" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^OHP[0-9]+" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^ERR" , sample)) %>%
filter (! (sample %in% handRemovedSamples)) %>%
filter (lowCovPerc >= .666 & lowCovStrictPerc >= 0.33 )
# %>%
# filter((lowCovPerc >= .666 & lowCovStrictPerc >= 0.50) | lowSuccessPerc > 0.95)
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_opposite = allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum %>%
filter (! grepl ("^PG" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^[0-9]S[0-9]-[0-9]C[0-9]+" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^SenT" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^80[0-9]+" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^OHP[0-9]+" , sample)) %>%
filter (! grepl ("^ERR" , sample)) %>%
filter (! (sample %in% handRemovedSamples)) %>%
filter (! (lowCovPerc >= .666 & lowCovStrictPerc >= 0.33 ) )
# %>%
# filter(!((lowCovPerc >= .666 & lowCovStrictPerc >= 0.50) | lowSuccessPerc > 0.95) )
cat (unique (c (allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_opposite$ sample,
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov$ sample)), file = "samplesCovered.txt" , sep = " \n " )
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom08 = allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_08_v3" )
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom13 = allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" )
allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom11 = allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest = allBasicInfo %>%
filter (sample %fin% allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov$ sample) %>%
group_by (sample) %>%
mutate (perBaseCoverageNorm = perBaseCoverage/ medianPerBaseCov_inGenes)%>%
mutate (perBaseCoverageNormRounded = round (perBaseCoverageNorm/ 0.5 )* 0.5 ) %>%
mutate (id = paste0 (` #chrom ` , "-" , start, "-" , end))
endRegions = c (
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382255-1382505" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384030-1384251" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384316-1384663" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385951-1386323" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386518-1386680" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1387782-1387982" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997276-1997425" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997674-1997884" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998638-1998759" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998833-1999151" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1999245-1999390" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1999600-1999713" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000687-2000889" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000941-2001239" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842251-2842401" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842251-2842451" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842301-2842601" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842476-2842688" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842501-2842651" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842515-2842804" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843641-2843863" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843930-2844101" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785"
# "Pf3D7_13_v3-2842501-2842576","Pf3D7_13_v3-2842501-2842601","Pf3D7_13_v3-2842501-2842651","Pf3D7_13_v3-2842515-2842804","Pf3D7_13_v3-2842576-2842651",
# "Pf3D7_13_v3-2842601-2842688","Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446","Pf3D7_13_v3-2843641-2843863","Pf3D7_13_v3-2843930-2844101","Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785"
## after careful inspection of the samples, all potential true deletion appear to include the whole chromosome from the point of interest so in order to clean up the samples will force samples
## to have no coverage from the point of interest on to get high quality examples of chromosomal deletions of areas of interest
endRegions_08 = c ("Pf3D7_08_v3-1375557-1375750" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1378006-1378662" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1380194-1380328" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382255-1382505" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384030-1384251" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384316-1384663" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385951-1386323" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386518-1386680" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1387782-1387982" )
endRegions_11 = c ("Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1993833-1994061" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1994139-1994363" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995234-1995394" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995459-1995614" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996349-1996650" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996745-1997019" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997095-1997221" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997276-1997425" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997674-1997884" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998638-1998759" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998833-1999151" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1999245-1999390" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1999600-1999713" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000687-2000889" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000941-2001239" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328" )
endRegions_13 = c ("Pf3D7_13_v3-2841776-2841926" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842001-2842301" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842026-2842226" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842038-2842461" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842101-2842251" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842251-2842401" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842251-2842451" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842301-2842601" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842476-2842688" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842501-2842651" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842515-2842804" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843641-2843863" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843930-2844101" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785" )
#### filter ends chr08 -begin
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_08 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_08_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom08$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, id) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverageNormRounded == 0 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
filter (id %in% endRegions_08) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_08_filt = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_08 %>%
filter (noCov == length (endRegions_08))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_08 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_08_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom08$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, id) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (success, 0 , 1 )) %>%
filter (id %in% endRegions_08) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_08_filt = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_08 %>%
filter (noCov == length (endRegions_08))
samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds = intersect (
sort (
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_08_filt$ sample
sort (
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_08_filt$ sample
#### filter ends chr08 -end
#### filter ends chr11 -begin
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_11 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom11$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, id) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverageNormRounded == 0 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
filter (id %in% endRegions_11) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_11_filt = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_11 %>%
filter (noCov == length (endRegions_11))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_11 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom11$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, id) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (success, 0 , 1 )) %>%
filter (id %in% endRegions_11) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_11_filt = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_11 %>%
filter (noCov == length (endRegions_11))
samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds = intersect (
sort (
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_11_filt$ sample
sort (
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_11_filt$ sample
#### filter ends chr11 -end
#### filter ends chr13 -begin
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_13 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom13$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, id) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverageNormRounded == 0 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
filter (id %in% endRegions_13) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_13_filt = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_13 %>%
filter (noCov == length (endRegions_13))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_13 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% allBasicInfo_higCov_areasOfInterest_covLessThan1Sum_highLowCov_chrom13$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, id) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (success, 0 , 1 )) %>%
filter (id %in% endRegions_13) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_13_filt = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_13 %>%
filter (noCov == length (endRegions_13))
samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds = intersect (
sort (
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_13_filt$ sample
sort (
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_13_filt$ sample
#### filter ends chr13 -end
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
group_by (sample, id) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverageNormRounded == 0 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
filter (id %in% endRegions) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_filt = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel %>%
filter (noCov == 10 )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
group_by (sample, id) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (success, 0 , 1 )) %>%
filter (id %in% endRegions) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_filt = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel %>%
filter (noCov == 10 )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest %>%
# filter(sample %in% allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoSuccessSel_filt$sample &
# sample %in% allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_endsNoCovSel_filt$sample) %>%
filter (
sample %in% c (
) %>%
select (sample, id, perBaseCoverageNorm) %>%
spread (id, perBaseCoverageNorm)
# hold = readr::read_tsv(
# "/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/hrps/windowSelectionSurroundingHRPs/Windows_Surrounding_HRP2_3_deletions/windowAnalysis/allMeta_HRP2_HRP3_deletionCalls.tab.txt"
# )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat = as.matrix (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp[, 2 : ncol (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp)])
rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat) = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp$ sample
#cap it at 2
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat[allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat> 2 ] = 2
chroms = gsub ("-.*" , "" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat))
# get the regions
regions = allBasicInfo %>%
filter (.$ sample[1 ] == sample) %>%
select (1 : 6 , extraField0) %>%
unique ()%>%
mutate (genomicID = paste0 (` #chrom ` , "-" , start, "-" , end))
# rename them based on importance
regions = regions%>%
mutate (id = paste0 (` #chrom ` , "-" , start, "-" , end)) %>%
arrange (id) %>%
mutate (inGene = ! is.na (extraField0)) %>%
mutate (geneType = ifelse (grepl ("histidine-rich protein II" , extraField0), "HRP" , "other" ) )%>%
mutate (geneType = ifelse (grepl ("ribosomal RNA" , extraField0), "rRNA" , geneType ) )%>%
mutate (geneType = ifelse (grepl ("332" , extraField0), "Pf332" , geneType ) ) %>%
mutate (sharedRegion = ifelse ((` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" &
start >= 1918028 &
end <= 1933288 ) |
` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" &
start >= 2792021 &
end <= 2807295 ,
"shared" ,
)) %>%
mutate (afterSharedRegion = (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" &
start >= 1933288 ) |
(` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" &
start >= 2807295 )) %>%
mutate (chrom = ` #chrom ` )%>%
mutate (description = gsub (".*description=" , "" , extraField0)) %>%
mutate (description = ifelse ("[extraField0=NA]" == extraField0, NA , description)) %>%
mutate (description = gsub ("]" , "" , fixed = T, description))
regions = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat), regions$ id),]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round = round (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat/ 0.5 )* 0.5
allMeta = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/meta.tab.txt" )
allMeta_filt = allMeta %>%
filter ( sample %in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds |
sample %in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds |
sample %in% samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds )
allMeta_filt$ possiblyHRP2Deleted = allMeta_filt$ sample %in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta_filt$ possiblyHRP3Deleted = allMeta_filt$ sample %in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta_filt$ possiblyChr11Deleted = allMeta_filt$ sample %in% samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds
metaSelected = allMeta_filt[match (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp$ sample, allMeta_filt$ sample), ]
## Heatmap of coverage
annotationTextSize = 10
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_noLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round
rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaSelected$ site)] = ""
rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_noLabs) = RowLabs
regionNames = sort (unique (c (metaSelected$ country, metaSelected$ region, metaSelected$ secondaryRegion)))
regionColors = scheme$ hex (length (regionNames))
names (regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "geneType" , "sharedRegion" , "afterSharedRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
topAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf (topAnnoDf)
topAnnoColors[["inGene" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ],"FF" ))
topAnnoColors[["sharedRegion" ]] = c ("other" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ], "FF" ), "shared" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[8 ])
topAnnoColors[["afterSharedRegion" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[6 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ],"FF" ))
rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c ("country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" ,
"possiblyHRP2Deleted" , "possiblyHRP3Deleted" ,
"possiblyChr11Deleted" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
rowAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf (rowAnnoDf)
# rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
# "ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[7],
# "OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
# "S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
rowAnnoColors[["continent" ]] = c ("AFRICA" = "#E69F00" ,
"ASIA" = "#F0E442" ,
"OCEANIA" = "#F748A5" ,
"S_AMERICA" = "#0072B2" )
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors)
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors)
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors)
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round, cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
right_annotation = sideAnno)
Below is a heatmap of the coverage of these initial windows, meta data for each sample is added to the right for country of origin etc. The top has meta data on the regions covered including if they fall within genes, and specific genes of interest like HRP2/3, pf332 and rRNA regions are marked out.
Coverage is normalized to the genomic coverage in the rest of the genome. 1x coverage is normal coverage as compared to the rest of the gnome. For easier interpretation normalized coverage is capped at 2x coverage to easier see where possible duplication has happened. Coverage is rounded to nearest 0.5. Orange == 1x coverage, yellow == 2x coverage, red == no coverage
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-height: 15
#| fig-width: 20
print (allCoverageHeatMap)
pdf ("test_allHeatmap_initial_windows.pdf" , useDingbats = F, width = 20 , height = 50 )
print (allCoverageHeatMap)
dev.off ()
## by chrom
### All
allMeta = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/meta.tab.txt" )
allMeta$ possiblyHRP2Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta$ possiblyHRP3Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta$ possiblyChr11Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round
library (dendsort)
row_dend = dendsort (hclust (dist (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)))
metaSelectedForSorting = allMeta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod), allMeta$ sample), ]
metaSelectedForSorting_sel = metaSelectedForSorting %>%
select (sample, possiblyHRP2Deleted, possiblyHRP3Deleted, possiblyChr11Deleted)
metaSelectedForSorting_sel_mat = as.matrix (metaSelectedForSorting_sel[,2 : ncol (metaSelectedForSorting_sel)])
rownames (metaSelectedForSorting_sel_mat) = metaSelectedForSorting_sel$ sample
metaSelectedForSorting_sel_mat_hclust = hclust (dist (metaSelectedForSorting_sel_mat))
metaSelectedForSorting = metaSelectedForSorting %>%
left_join (
tibble (sample = rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)[row_dend$ order],
coverageOrder = 1 : length (row_dend$ order)) ) %>%
left_join (
tibble (sample = rownames (metaSelectedForSorting_sel_mat)[hclust (dist (metaSelectedForSorting_sel_mat))$ order],
deletionOrder = 1 : length (hclust (dist (metaSelectedForSorting_sel_mat))$ order)) )
metaSelectedForSorting = metaSelectedForSorting %>%
arrange (desc (possiblyHRP2Deleted), desc (possiblyHRP3Deleted), desc (possiblyChr11Deleted), coverageOrder)
metaSelectedForSorting = metaSelectedForSorting %>%
group_by (sample) %>%
mutate (forSortingOld = paste0 (possiblyHRP2Deleted, "-" , possiblyHRP3Deleted, "-" , possiblyChr11Deleted, "-" , stringr:: str_pad (coverageOrder, side = "left" , pad = "0" , width = nchar (max (metaSelectedForSorting$ coverageOrder))))) %>%
mutate (forSorting = paste0 (possiblyHRP2Deleted, "-" , possiblyHRP3Deleted, "-" , possiblyChr11Deleted)) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (forSorting = factor (forSorting, levels = c ("TRUE-FALSE-FALSE" ,"TRUE-TRUE-FALSE" , "FALSE-TRUE-FALSE" , "FALSE-TRUE-TRUE" , "FALSE-FALSE-TRUE" ))) %>%
arrange (forSorting, coverageOrder)
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[match (metaSelectedForSorting$ sample,rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)),]
metaSelected = allMeta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod), allMeta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_08_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_11_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_13_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c ("country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" ,
"possiblyHRP2Deleted" , "possiblyHRP3Deleted" ,
"possiblyChr11Deleted" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
rowAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf (rowAnnoDf)
rowAnnoColors[["continent" ]] = c ("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[1 ],
"ASIA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ],
"OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[2 ],
"S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ])
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
simple_anno_size = unit (1.5 , "cm" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_cols = createColorListFromDf (regions %>%
select (c ("inGene" , "geneType" , "sharedRegion" , "afterSharedRegion" , "chrom" , "description" )))
regions_cols[["inGene" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ],"FF" ))
regions_cols[["sharedRegion" ]] = c ("other" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ], "FF" ), "shared" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[8 ])
regions_cols[["afterSharedRegion" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[6 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ],"FF" ))
regions_chr08 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr11 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr13 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr08_df = regions_chr08 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr08 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr08_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = T,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_chr11_df = regions_chr11 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr11_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = F,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_chr13_df = regions_chr13 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr13_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = F,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_08 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
# cluster_rows = row_dend,
cluster_rows = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr08,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr08" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_11 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
# cluster_rows = row_dend,
cluster_rows = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr11,
#left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr11" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_13 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
# cluster_rows = row_dend,
cluster_rows = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr13,
#left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr13" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
heatmaps_by_chrom = heatmap_08 + heatmap_11 + heatmap_13
cairo_pdf ("test_allHeatmap_initial_windows_byChrom.pdf" , width = 20 , height = 50 )
draw (heatmaps_by_chrom, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "bottom" , annotation_legend_side = "bottom" , ht_gap = unit (2 , "cm" ))
dev.off ()
### hrp2 deleted
pf7meta = readr:: read_tsv ("/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/allSRAData/update_2023_01/Pf7_samples.txt" )
allMeta = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/meta.tab.txt" ) %>%
left_join (pf7meta %>%
select (Sample, ` Sample type ` ) %>%
rename (sample = Sample,
seqType = ` Sample type ` ))
allMeta$ possiblyHRP2Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta$ possiblyHRP3Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta$ possiblyChr11Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round
selectedSamples = match (samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds,
rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[selectedSamples[! is.na (selectedSamples)], ]
metaSelected = allMeta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod), allMeta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_08_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_11_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_13_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c ("country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" ,
"possiblyHRP2Deleted" , "possiblyHRP3Deleted" ,
"possiblyChr11Deleted" , "seqType" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
rowAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf (rowAnnoDf)
rowAnnoColors[["continent" ]] = c ("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[1 ],
"ASIA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ],
"OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[2 ],
"S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ])
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
simple_anno_size = unit (1.5 , "cm" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_cols = createColorListFromDf (regions %>%
select (c ("inGene" , "geneType" , "sharedRegion" , "afterSharedRegion" , "chrom" , "description" )))
regions_cols[["inGene" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ],"FF" ))
regions_cols[["sharedRegion" ]] = c ("other" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ], "FF" ), "shared" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[8 ])
regions_cols[["afterSharedRegion" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[6 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ],"FF" ))
regions_chr08 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr11 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr13 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr08_df = regions_chr08 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr08 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr08_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = T,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_chr11_df = regions_chr11 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr11_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = F,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_chr13_df = regions_chr13 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr13_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = F,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
library (dendsort)
row_dend = dendsort (hclust (dist (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_08 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr08,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr08" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_11 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr11,
#left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr11" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_13 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr13,
#left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr13" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
heatmaps_by_chrom = heatmap_08 + heatmap_11 + heatmap_13
cairo_pdf ("test_allHeatmap_initial_windows_byChrom_hrp2_del.pdf" , width = 20 , height = 50 )
draw (heatmaps_by_chrom, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "bottom" , annotation_legend_side = "bottom" , ht_gap = unit (2 , "cm" ))
dev.off ()
### hrp3 deleted
pf7meta = readr:: read_tsv ("/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/allSRAData/update_2023_01/Pf7_samples.txt" )
allMeta = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/meta.tab.txt" ) %>%
left_join (pf7meta %>%
select (Sample, ` Sample type ` ) %>%
rename (sample = Sample,
seqType = ` Sample type ` ))
allMeta$ possiblyHRP2Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta$ possiblyHRP3Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta$ possiblyChr11Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round
selectedSamples = match (samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds,
rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[selectedSamples[! is.na (selectedSamples)], ]
metaSelected = allMeta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod), allMeta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_08_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_11_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_13_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c ("country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" ,
"possiblyHRP2Deleted" , "possiblyHRP3Deleted" ,
"possiblyChr11Deleted" , "seqType" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
rowAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf (rowAnnoDf)
rowAnnoColors[["continent" ]] = c ("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[1 ],
"ASIA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ],
"OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[2 ],
"S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ])
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
simple_anno_size = unit (1.5 , "cm" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_cols = createColorListFromDf (regions %>%
select (c ("inGene" , "geneType" , "sharedRegion" , "afterSharedRegion" , "chrom" , "description" )))
regions_cols[["inGene" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ],"FF" ))
regions_cols[["sharedRegion" ]] = c ("other" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ], "FF" ), "shared" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[8 ])
regions_cols[["afterSharedRegion" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[6 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ],"FF" ))
regions_chr08 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr11 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr13 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr08_df = regions_chr08 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr08 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr08_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = T,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_chr11_df = regions_chr11 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr11_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = F,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_chr13_df = regions_chr13 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr13_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = F,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
library (dendsort)
row_dend = dendsort (hclust (dist (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_08 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr08,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr08" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_11 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr11,
#left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr11" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_13 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr13,
#left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr13" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
heatmaps_by_chrom = heatmap_08 + heatmap_11 + heatmap_13
cairo_pdf ("test_allHeatmap_initial_windows_byChrom_hrp3_del.pdf" , width = 20 , height = 50 )
draw (heatmaps_by_chrom, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "bottom" , annotation_legend_side = "bottom" , ht_gap = unit (2 , "cm" ))
dev.off ()
### chr11 deleted
pf7meta = readr:: read_tsv ("/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/allSRAData/update_2023_01/Pf7_samples.txt" )
allMeta = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/meta.tab.txt" ) %>%
left_join (pf7meta %>%
select (Sample, ` Sample type ` ) %>%
rename (sample = Sample,
seqType = ` Sample type ` ))
allMeta$ possiblyHRP2Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta$ possiblyHRP3Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta$ possiblyChr11Deleted = allMeta$ sample %in% samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round
selectedSamples = match (
rownames (
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[selectedSamples[! is.na (selectedSamples)], ]
metaSelected = allMeta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod), allMeta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_08_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_11_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13 = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod[,grepl ("_13_" , colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)) ]
rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c ("country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" ,
"possiblyHRP2Deleted" , "possiblyHRP3Deleted" ,
"possiblyChr11Deleted" , "seqType" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
rowAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf (rowAnnoDf)
rowAnnoColors[["continent" ]] = c ("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[1 ],
"ASIA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ],
"OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[2 ],
"S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ])
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
simple_anno_size = unit (1.5 , "cm" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_cols = createColorListFromDf (regions %>%
select (c ("inGene" , "geneType" , "sharedRegion" , "afterSharedRegion" , "chrom" , "description" )))
regions_cols[["inGene" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[3 ],"FF" ))
regions_cols[["sharedRegion" ]] = c ("other" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[7 ], "FF" ), "shared" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[8 ])
regions_cols[["afterSharedRegion" ]] = c ("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[6 ], "FALSE" = paste0 (tableau_color_pal ()(8 )[5 ],"FF" ))
regions_chr08 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr11 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr13 = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13), regions$ genomicID),]
regions_chr08_df = regions_chr08 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr08 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr08_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = T,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_chr11_df = regions_chr11 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr11_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = F,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
regions_chr13_df = regions_chr13 %>%
select (inGene, geneType, sharedRegion, afterSharedRegion, chrom, description) %>%
as.data.frame ()
topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = regions_chr13_df,
col = regions_cols,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left" ,
show_annotation_name = F,
na_col = "#FFFFFF00" ,
gap = unit (0.1 , "cm" )
library (dendsort)
row_dend = dendsort (hclust (dist (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_mod)))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr08_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_08 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr08,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr08" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr11_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_11 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr11,
#left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr11" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13_noColLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13
colnames (allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_cov_sp_mat_round_chr13_noColLabs) = NULL
heatmap_13 = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
cluster_rows = row_dend,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (
fontsize = annotationTextSize,
fontface = "bold" ,
title = "coverage" ,
at = c (0 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ),
labels = c ("0" , "0.5x" , "1.0x" , "1.5x" , ">=2x" )
top_annotation = topAnno_chr13,
#left_annotation = sideAnno,
column_title = "Chr13" ,
column_title_gp = gpar (fontsize = 30 , fontface = "bold" )
heatmaps_by_chrom = heatmap_08 + heatmap_11 + heatmap_13
cairo_pdf ("test_allHeatmap_initial_windows_byChrom_chr11_del.pdf" , width = 20 , height = 20 )
draw (heatmaps_by_chrom, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "bottom" , annotation_legend_side = "bottom" , ht_gap = unit (2 , "cm" ))
dev.off ()
# meta data counts
Counts for the calls of deletions
pf7meta_swga = pf7meta %>%
filter (` Sample type ` == "sWGA" )
allMeta = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/meta.tab.txt" )
allMeta_filt = allMeta %>%
filter ( sample %in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds |
sample %in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds |
sample %in% samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds )
allMeta_filt$ possiblyHRP2Deleted = allMeta_filt$ sample %in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta_filt$ possiblyHRP3Deleted = allMeta_filt$ sample %in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds
allMeta_filt$ possiblyChr11Deleted = allMeta_filt$ sample %in% samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds
create_dt (allMeta_filt)
write_tsv (allMeta_filt,"initial_allMeta_HRP2_HRP3_deletionCalls.tab.txt" )
allMeta_filt_sum = allMeta_filt %>%
group_by (country, possiblyHRP2Deleted, possiblyHRP3Deleted) %>%
count ()
write_tsv (allMeta_filt_sum,"initial_allMeta_HRP2_HRP3_metaSum_deletionCalls.tab.txt" )
create_dt (allMeta_filt_sum)
```{r, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=F, eval=FALSE}
#| results: hide
pf7meta = readr::read_tsv("/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/allSRAData/update_2023_01/Pf7_samples.txt")%>%
pf7meta_calls = readr::read_tsv("/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/pf7/Pf7_inferred_resistance_status_classification_allMeta.tsv") %>%
pf7meta_calls_hrp2_deleted = pf7meta_calls %>%
filter(HRP2 == "del")
pf7meta_calls_hrp3_deleted = pf7meta_calls %>%
filter(HRP3 == "del")
pf7meta_calls_hrp2_deleted_filt = pf7meta_calls_hrp2_deleted %>%
filter(Sample %!in% samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds)
pf7meta_calls_hrp3_deleted_filt = pf7meta_calls_hrp3_deleted %>%
filter(Sample %!in% samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds)
temp = pf7meta %>%
filter(Sample %in% pf7meta_calls_hrp2_deleted_filt$Sample |
Sample %in% pf7meta_calls_hrp3_deleted_filt$Sample)
currentSamplesToInvestigate = temp$Sample
currentSamplesToInvestigate = (hold %>% filter(sample %!in% allMeta_filt$sample))$sample
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod = allBasicInfo %>%
sample %fin% currentSamplesToInvestigate
) %>%
group_by(sample) %>%
mutate(perBaseCoverageNorm = perBaseCoverage / medianPerBaseCov_inGenes) %>%
mutate(perBaseCoverageNormRounded = round(perBaseCoverageNorm / 0.5) *
0.5) %>%
mutate(id = paste0(`#chrom`, "-", start, "-", end))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod %>%
select(sample, id, perBaseCoverageNorm) %>%
spread(id, perBaseCoverageNorm)
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat = as.matrix(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp[,2:ncol(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp)])
rownames(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat) = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp$sample
#cap it at 2
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat[allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat>2] =2
chroms = gsub("-.*", "", colnames(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat))
# get the regions
regions = allBasicInfo %>%
filter(.$sample[1] == sample) %>%
select(1:6, extraField0) %>%
# rename them based on importance
regions = regions%>%
mutate(id = paste0(`#chrom`, "-", start, "-", end)) %>%
arrange(id) %>%
mutate(inGene = !is.na(extraField0)) %>%
mutate(geneType = ifelse(grepl("histidine-rich protein II", extraField0), "HRP", "other" ) )%>%
mutate(geneType = ifelse(grepl("ribosomal RNA", extraField0), "rRNA", geneType ) )%>%
mutate(geneType = ifelse(grepl("332", extraField0), "Pf332", geneType ) ) %>%
mutate(sharedRegion = ifelse((`#chrom` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" &
start >= 1918028 &
end <= 1933288) |
`#chrom` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" &
start >= 2792021 &
end <= 2807295,
)) %>%
mutate(afterSharedRegion = (`#chrom` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" &
start >= 1933288) |
(`#chrom` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" &
start >= 2807295)) %>%
mutate(chrom = `#chrom`)
regions = regions[match(colnames(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat), regions$id),]
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat_round = round(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat/ 0.5)*0.5
metaSelected = allMeta[match(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp$sample, allMeta$sample), ]
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 1, 2), c(heat.colors(3)))
allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat_round_noLabs = allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat_round
rownames(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat_round_noLabs) = NULL
colnames(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat_round_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaSelected$BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaSelected$site != "LabIsolate" | is.na(metaSelected$site)] = ""
rownames(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat_round_noLabs) = RowLabs
regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaSelected$country, metaSelected$region, metaSelected$secondaryRegion)))
regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "geneType", "sharedRegion", "afterSharedRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame()
topAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf(topAnnoDf)
topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[5], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[3],"FF"))
topAnnoColors[["sharedRegion"]] = c("other" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[7], "FF"), "shared" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[8])
topAnnoColors[["afterSharedRegion"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[6], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[5],"FF"))
rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c("country", "region", "secondaryRegion")] %>% rename(continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame()
rowAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf(rowAnnoDf)
rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
"ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[7],
"OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
"S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation(df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors)
sideAnno = rowAnnotation(df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors)
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap(allBasicInfo_highCov_butLowInAreasofInterest_mod_cov_sp_mat_round, cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage",
top_annotation = topAnno,
right_annotation = sideAnno)
cairo_pdf("investigate_allHeatmap_initial_windows.pdf", width = 20, height = 20)