title: Finding unqiue matches interchromosmal
```{r setup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
# Comparing unique stretches between genomes
Extracting out all genes
```{bash, eval = F}
elucidator gffToBedByFeature --gff /tank/data/plasmodium/genomes/Pf3D7_versions/2015-06-18/info/gff/Pf3D7.gff --features gene,psuedogene,protein_coding_gene,ncRNA_gene --out Pf3D7_genes.bed --overWrite
elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file Pf3D7_genes.bed --column col.6 --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --overWrite --out Pf3D7_genes.tab.txt --addHeader
pf3d7Chroms = readr:: read_tsv ("surroundingRegionsMaterials/chromLengths/Pf3D7.txt" , col_names = c ("chrom" , "length" ))
pf3d7Genes = readr:: read_tsv ("nucmerResults/genes/Pf3D7_genes.tab.txt" ) %>%
mutate (description = gsub (" \\ +" , " " , description))
# nucmer
## Running nucmer
Separate out the chromosomes so that there is a fasta file for each one.
```{bash, eval = F}
for CHR in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14; do elucidator extractByName --fasta /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium/genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace --names Pf3D7_${CHR}_v3 --out Pf3D7_${CHR}_v3.fasta --overWrite; done;
Create the all by all comparison of the chromosomes
allNucmerCmds = c ()
for (chr1 in seq (1 , 14 , 1 )){
for (chr2 in seq (chr1, 14 , 1 )){
if (chr1 != chr2){
chr1Name = stringr:: str_pad (chr1, width = 2 , pad = "0" )
chr2Name = stringr:: str_pad (chr2, width = 2 , pad = "0" )
cmd = paste0 ("mummer -mum -b -c -F -l 31 Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_v3.fasta Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_v3.fasta 2> mumer_Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_v3_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_v3.log | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta > Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_exactUniqueMatches_minlen31.tsv && nucmer -mum -b 100 -l 31 Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_v3.fasta Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_v3.fasta --prefix Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer 2> nucmer_Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_v3.log && show-coords -T -l -c -H Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer.delta | sort | uniq | elucidator parseNucmerResultsToBed --coordsOutput STDIN --overWrite --out Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer.delta.bed && elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer.delta.bed --delim tab --column col.6 --removeEmptyColumn --addHeader --overWrite --replacementHeader \" #chrom,start,end,name,length,strand \" --out Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer.delta.tsv" )
allNucmerCmds = c (allNucmerCmds,
} else {
chr1Name = stringr:: str_pad (chr1, width = 2 , pad = "0" )
chr2Name = stringr:: str_pad (chr2, width = 2 , pad = "0" )
cmd = paste0 ("mummer -mum -r -c -F -l 31 Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_v3.fasta Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_v3.fasta 2> mumer_Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_v3_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_v3.log | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta > Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_exactUniqueMatches_minlen31.tsv && nucmer --reverse -mum -b 100 -l 31 Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_v3.fasta Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_v3.fasta --prefix Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer 2> nucmer_Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_v3.log && show-coords -T -l -c -H Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer.delta | sort | uniq | elucidator parseNucmerResultsToBed --coordsOutput STDIN --overWrite --out Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer.delta.bed && elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer.delta.bed --delim tab --column col.6 --removeEmptyColumn --addHeader --overWrite --replacementHeader \" #chrom,start,end,name,length,strand \" --out Pf3D7_" , chr1Name, "_vs_Pf3D7_" , chr2Name, "_nucmer.delta.tsv" )
allNucmerCmds = c (allNucmerCmds,
cat (allNucmerCmds, sep = " \n " , file = "allNucmerCmds.txt" )
Combine the results
```{bash, eval = F}
nohup elucidator runMultipleCommands --cmdFile allNucmerCmds.txt --numThreads 10 --raw &
elucidator rBind --contains _nucmer.delta.tsv --delim tab --header --overWrite --out allNucmerResults.tsv
elucidator rBind --contains _exactUniqueMatches_minlen31.tsv --delim tab --header --overWrite --out allMummerResults.tsv
## Processing results
### nucmer
Read in results and add in the other matching chromosome so a bed file can be created with both locations.
allNucmerResults = readr:: read_tsv ("nucmerResults/allNucmerResults.tsv" )
allNucmerResults = allNucmerResults %>%
mutate (genomicID = paste0 (` #chrom ` , "-" , start, "-" , end, "-" , ifelse (strand == "+" , "for" , "rev" ))) %>%
mutate (queryGenomicID = paste0 (queryName, "-" , actualStart, "-" , actualEnd, "-for" )) %>%
group_by (genomicID, queryGenomicID) %>%
mutate (wholeID = paste0 (sort (c (genomicID, queryGenomicID)), collapse = "__" )) %>%
group_by (wholeID) %>%
mutate (wholeID_n = n ()) %>%
arrange (desc (length)) %>%
mutate (queryStrand = "+" )
allNucmerResults_ref_out = allNucmerResults %>%
ungroup () %>%
select (` #chrom ` , start, end, wholeID, length, strand)
allNucmerResults_query_out = allNucmerResults %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (queryLength = actualEnd - actualStart) %>%
select (queryName, actualStart, actualEnd, wholeID, queryLength, queryStrand)
colnames (allNucmerResults_ref_out) = c ("#chrom" , "start" , "end" , "name" , "length" , "strand" )
colnames (allNucmerResults_query_out) = c ("#chrom" , "start" , "end" , "name" , "length" , "strand" )
allNucmerResults_combined_out = bind_rows (
allNucmerResults_ref_out, allNucmerResults_query_out
) %>%
arrange (desc (length), name)
allNucmerResults_combined_out_1k = allNucmerResults_combined_out %>%
filter (length > 1000 )
write_tsv (allNucmerResults_combined_out_1k, "nucmerResults/allNucmerResults1k.bed" )
Get overlapping gene info
```{bash, eval = F}
elucidator bedGetIntersectingGenesInGff --gff /tank/data/plasmodium/genomes/Pf3D7_versions/2015-06-18/info/gff/Pf3D7.gff --extraAttributes description --overWrite --bed allNucmerResults1k.bed --out allNucmerResults1k_withGeneInfo.bed --selectFeatures gene,psuedogene,protein_coding_gene,ncRNA_gene
elucidator getOverlappingBedRegions --bed genes/Pf3D7_genes.bed --intersectWithBed allNucmerResults1k.bed | cut -f1-7 > genes/Pf3D7_genes_in_allNucmerResults1k.bed
elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file genes/Pf3D7_genes_in_allNucmerResults1k.bed --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --addHeader --column col.6 --overWrite --out genes/Pf3D7_genes_in_allNucmerResults1k.tab.txt
allNucmerResults1k_withGeneInfo = readr:: read_tsv ("nucmerResults/allNucmerResults1k_withGeneInfo.bed" , col_names = F)
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
cat (createDownloadLink ("nucmerResults/allNucmerResults1k_withGeneInfo.bed" ))
### mummer
Read in results and add in the other matching chromosome so a bed file can be created with both locations.
allMummerResults = readr:: read_tsv ("nucmerResults/allMummerResults.tsv" ) %>%
arrange (desc (length)) %>%
mutate (genomicID = paste0 (` #target ` , "-" , targetStart, "-" , targetEnd, "-" , ifelse (strand == "+" , "for" , "rev" ))) %>%
mutate (queryGenomicID = paste0 (query, "-" , queryStart, "-" , queryEnd, "-for" )) %>%
group_by (genomicID, queryGenomicID) %>%
mutate (wholeID = paste0 (sort (c (genomicID, queryGenomicID)), collapse = "__" ))
allMummerResults_target = allMummerResults %>%
ungroup () %>%
select (` #target ` , targetStart, targetEnd, wholeID, length, strand)
allMummerResults_query = allMummerResults %>%
ungroup () %>%
select (query, queryStart, queryEnd, wholeID, length) %>%
mutate (strand = "+" )
colnames (allMummerResults_target) = c ("#chrom" , "start" , "end" , "name" , "length" , "strand" )
colnames (allMummerResults_query) = c ("#chrom" , "start" , "end" , "name" , "length" , "strand" )
allMummerResults_combined = bind_rows (
allMummerResults_combined_filtMinLen50 = allMummerResults_combined %>%
filter (length >= 50 )
write_tsv (allMummerResults_combined_filtMinLen50, "nucmerResults/allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50.bed" )
Get overlapping gene information
```{bash, eval = F}
elucidator bedGetIntersectingGenesInGff --gff /tank/data/plasmodium/genomes/Pf3D7_versions/2015-06-18/info/gff/Pf3D7.gff --extraAttributes description --overWrite --bed allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50.bed --out allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50_withGeneInfo.bed --selectFeatures gene,psuedogene,protein_coding_gene,ncRNA_gene
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
cat (createDownloadLink ("nucmerResults/allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50_withGeneInfo.bed" ))
allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50_withGeneInfo = readr:: read_tsv ("nucmerResults/allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50_withGeneInfo.bed" , col_names = F)
```{bash, eval = F}
elucidator getOverlappingBedRegions --bed allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50.bed --intersectWithBed allNucmerResults1k.bed --overWrite --out allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50_intersectedWithNucmer.bed
Locations of shared unique sequences between sequences. Sorted by the length of larger grouped region, the amount of region that is made up of unique stretches that are shared is in the columns of **_fracConserved_**.
#| fig-column: screen
#| column: screen-inset-shaded
allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer = readr:: read_tsv ("nucmerResults/allMummerResultsExpandedFiltMinLen50_intersectedWithNucmer.bed" , col_names = F, skip = 1 )
colnames (allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer) = c ("chrom" , "start" , "end" , "name" , "length" , "strand" , "group" )
allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer = allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer %>%
mutate (group = strsplit (group, split = "," )) %>%
unnest (group)
allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod = allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer %>%
# filter(name %in% c("Pf3D7_05_v3-0-23704-for__Pf3D7_13_v3-435-24139-for",
# "Pf3D7_13_v3-1431002-1439191-rev__Pf3D7_13_v3-1440439-1448628-for",
# "Pf3D7_04_v3-265-5013-rev__Pf3D7_06_v3-1411966-1416714-for")) %>%
separate (group, into = c ("chrom1_section" , "chrom2_section" ), remove = F, sep = "__" ) %>%
separate (chrom1_section,into = c ("chrom1_section_chrom" , "chrom1_section_start" , "chrom1_section_end" , "chrom1_section_strand" ),
remove = F, sep = "-" , convert = T) %>%
mutate (chrom1_section_strand = ifelse (chrom1_section_strand == "for" , "+" , "-" )) %>%
separate (chrom2_section,into = c ("chrom2_section_chrom" , "chrom2_section_start" , "chrom2_section_end" , "chrom2_section_strand" ),
remove = F, sep = "-" , convert = T) %>%
mutate (chrom2_section_strand = ifelse (chrom2_section_strand == "for" , "+" , "-" )) %>%
mutate (chrom2_section_len = chrom2_section_end - chrom2_section_start,
chrom1_section_len = chrom1_section_end - chrom1_section_start) %>%
mutate (other = gsub (".*__" , "" , name)) %>%
separate (other, remove = F, sep = "-" , convert = T, into = c ("other_chrom" , "other_start" , "other_end" , "other_strand" )) %>%
mutate (other_strand = ifelse (other_strand == "for" , "+" , "-" )) %>%
filter (strand == chrom1_section_strand,
other_strand == chrom2_section_strand,
chrom == chrom1_section_chrom,
other_chrom == chrom2_section_chrom,
start >= chrom1_section_start,
end <= chrom1_section_end,
other_start >= chrom2_section_start,
other_end <= chrom2_section_end) %>%
group_by (name, group) %>%
mutate (allBases = list (seq (start, end)))
allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum= allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod%>%
group_by (group) %>%
mutate (totalBases = length (unique (unlist (allBases)))) %>%
arrange (desc (totalBases)) %>%
mutate (chrom1_fracConserved = totalBases/ chrom1_section_len,
chrom2_fracConserved = totalBases/ chrom2_section_len) %>%
ungroup ()
allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum_sel = allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum %>%
select (group, totalBases, starts_with ("chrom1_" ), starts_with ("chrom2_" )) %>%
unique ()
create_dt (allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum_sel)
## Visualizing the top 10 results
listOfPlots = list ()
for (grouping in unique (allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum$ group)[1 : 10 ]){
conservedInfo_current = allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum %>%
filter (grouping == group)
pf3d7Genes_chrom1 = pf3d7Genes %>%
filter (col.0 == conservedInfo_current$ chrom[1 ],
col.1 >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] | col.2 >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ],
col.1 <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_end[1 ] | col.2 <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_end[1 ])
pf3d7Genes_chrom2 = pf3d7Genes %>%
filter (col.0 == conservedInfo_current$ other_chrom[1 ],
col.1 >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] | col.2 >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ],
col.1 <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_end[1 ] | col.2 <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_end[1 ])
pf3d7Chroms_filt = pf3d7Chroms %>%
filter (chrom %in% unique (c (conservedInfo_current$ chrom, conservedInfo_current$ other_chrom)))
pf3d7Chroms_filt = pf3d7Chroms_filt %>%
mutate (chrom = factor (chrom, levels = c (.$ chrom)))
conservedInfo_current_sum = conservedInfo_current %>%
group_by (chrom1_section_chrom, chrom1_section_start, chrom1_section_end,
chrom2_section_chrom, chrom2_section_start, chrom2_section_end) %>%
summarise (total = n (), revCompSum = sum (strand == "-" )) %>%
mutate (chrom1RevCompFrac = revCompSum/ total) %>%
mutate (chrom1RevComp = ifelse (chrom1RevCompFrac > 0.5 , T, F))
conservedInfo_current_sum = conservedInfo_current_sum %>%
mutate (chrom1_section_chrom = factor (chrom1_section_chrom, levels = c (pf3d7Chroms_filt$ chrom))) %>%
mutate (chrom2_section_chrom = factor (chrom2_section_chrom, levels = c (pf3d7Chroms_filt$ chrom)))
#cat(c(grouping, unique(conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_len)), sep = "\n")
currentPlot = ggplot (conservedInfo_current) +
geom_segment (
aes (
x = start,
xend = end,
y = ifelse (strand == "-" , other_end, other_start),
yend = ifelse (strand == "-" , other_start, other_end),
color = strand
) +
geom_rect (data = pf3d7Genes_chrom1,
aes (xmin = col.1 , xmax = col.2 ,
ymax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ] * 0.001 ,
ymin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ] * 0.01 ,
fill = description,
ID = ID)) +
geom_rect (data = pf3d7Genes_chrom2,
aes (ymin = col.1 , ymax = col.2 ,
xmax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ] * 0.001 ,
xmin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ] * 0.01 ,
fill = description,
ID = ID )) +
labs (title = grouping,
y = pf3d7Genes_chrom2$ col.0 [1 ],
x = pf3d7Genes_chrom1$ col.0 [1 ]) + sofonias_theme + coord_equal () +
scale_color_manual (values = c ("-" = "#AA0A3C" , "+" = "#0AB45A" ));
if (conservedInfo_current_sum$ chrom1RevComp[1 ]){
currentPlot = currentPlot +
scale_y_reverse ()
listOfPlots[[grouping]] = ggplotly (currentPlot)
listOfPlots[[paste0 (grouping, "-fullView" )]] = ggplotly (
ggplot () +
geom_rect (
data = pf3d7Chroms_filt,
aes (
xmin = 0 ,
xmax = length,
ymin = as.numeric (chrom) - 0.4 ,
ymax = as.numeric (chrom) + 0.4
fill = "grey75"
) +
scale_y_continuous (
breaks = 1 : (nrow (pf3d7Chroms_filt)),
labels = levels (pf3d7Chroms_filt$ chrom)
) +
sofonias_theme +
geom_rect (
data = conservedInfo_current_sum,
aes (
xmin = chrom1_section_start,
xmax = chrom1_section_end,
ymin = as.numeric (chrom1_section_chrom) - 0.4 ,
ymax = as.numeric (chrom1_section_chrom) + 0.4 ,
fill = chrom1RevComp
) +
geom_rect (
data = conservedInfo_current_sum,
aes (
xmin = chrom2_section_start,
xmax = chrom2_section_end,
ymin = as.numeric (chrom2_section_chrom) - 0.4 ,
ymax = as.numeric (chrom2_section_chrom) + 0.4
fill = "#0AB45A"
) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c ("TRUE" = "#AA0A3C" , "FALSE" = "#0AB45A" ))
Plots of a close of the two regions shared between chromosomes with the present genes and plots of the locations on the chromosomes.
#| fig-column: screen-inset
#| column: screen-inset
#| results: asis
#| fig-width: 15
#| fig-height: 25
cat (create_tabsetOfHtmlWidgets (listOfPlots))
The amount total shared between genomes.
#| fig-column: body-outset
#| column: body-outset
allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum_sum = allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum %>%
group_by (chrom1_section_chrom, chrom2_section_chrom) %>%
summarise (total = sum (totalBases)) %>%
arrange (desc (total))
create_dt (allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum_sum)
# View All Regions
Below is a plot of all regions that have a identical region on another chromosome
```{r, fig.width=20}
pf3d7Chroms = pf3d7Chroms %>%
mutate(chrom = factor(chrom, levels = c(.$chrom)))
allNucmerResults1k_withGeneInfo = allNucmerResults1k_withGeneInfo %>%
mutate(X1 = factor(X1, levels = c(pf3d7Chroms$chrom))) %>%
rename(len = X5,
name = X4)
pf3d7Genes = readr::read_tsv("nucmerResults/genes/Pf3D7_genes_in_allNucmerResults1k.tab.txt") %>%
mutate(rawGeneDescription = description) %>%
mutate(description = gsub("\\+", " ", description))%>%
mutate(gene = ifelse(grepl("PF3D7_0831800", description), "HRP II", "other")) %>%
mutate(gene = ifelse(grepl("PF3D7_1372200", description), "HRP III", gene))%>%
mutate(description = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", description))%>%
mutate(description = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", description), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==description, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse("membrane associated erythrocyte binding-like protein"==description, "merozoite adhesive erythrocytic binding protein", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse("membrane associated erythrocyte binding-likeprotein"==description, "merozoite adhesive erythrocytic binding protein", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse("membrane associated histidine-rich protein 1"==description, "membrane associated histidine-rich protein", description)) %>% mutate(description = gsub(",putative", ", putative", description)) %>%
mutate(description = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", description))%>%
mutate(description = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", description))%>%
mutate(description = gsub("conserved protein, unknown function", "conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function", description)) %>%
mutate(description = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", description), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==description, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse("membrane associated histidine-rich protein 1"==description, "membrane associated histidine-rich protein", description))%>%
mutate(description = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", description))%>%
mutate(description = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", description))%>%
mutate(description = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", description), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==description, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("sporozoite and liver stage tryptophan-rich protein, putative", description), "tryptophan/threonine-rich antigen", description))%>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("CRA domain-containing protein, putative", description), "conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function", description))%>%
mutate(description = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", description)) %>%
mutate(description = gsub("surfaceantigen", "surface antigen", description)) %>%
mutate(description = gsub("Tetratricopeptide repeat, putative", "tetratricopeptide repeat protein, putative", description)) %>%
mutate(description = gsub("transmembraneprotein", "transmembrane protein", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("PfEMP1", description) & grepl("pseudogene", description), "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", description)) %>%
mutate(description = gsub("PIR protein", "stevor", description)) %>%
mutate(description = gsub("erythrocyte membrane protein 1-like", "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", description)) %>%
mutate(description = gsub("acidic terminal segments, variant surface antigen of PfEMP1, putative", "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", description))%>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("CoA binding protein", description, ignore.case = T), "acyl-CoA binding protein", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("transfer RNA", description) | grepl("tRNA", description), "tRNA", description))%>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("cytoadherence", description), "CLAG", description))%>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("surface-associated interspersed protein", description), "SURFIN", description))%>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("SURFIN", description), "SURFIN", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("stevor-like", description), "stevor, pseudogene", description)) %>%
mutate(description = ifelse(grepl("non-coding RNA", description), "unspecified product", description))
pf3d7Genes = pf3d7Genes %>%
rename(chrom = col.0,
start = col.1, end = col.2, name = col.3, len = col.4, strand = col.5)
pf3d7Genes = pf3d7Genes %>%
mutate(chrom = factor(chrom, levels = c(pf3d7Chroms$chrom)))
descriptColors = scheme$hex(length(sort(unique(c(pf3d7Genes$description)))))
names(descriptColors) = sort(unique(c(pf3d7Genes$description)))
#| fig-column: screen
#| column: screen-inset-shaded
#| fig-height: 15
#| fig-width: 20
ggplotly (
ggplot () +
geom_rect (
data = pf3d7Chroms,
aes (
xmin = 0 ,
xmax = length,
ymin = as.numeric (chrom) - 0.4 ,
ymax = as.numeric (chrom) + 0.4
fill = "grey75"
) +
scale_y_continuous (
breaks = 1 : (nrow (pf3d7Chroms)),
labels = levels (pf3d7Chroms$ chrom)
) +
sofonias_theme +
geom_rect (
data = allNucmerResults1k_withGeneInfo,
aes (
xmin = X2,
xmax = X3,
ymin = as.numeric (X1) - 0.4 ,
ymax = as.numeric (X1) + 0.4 ,
fill = X6,
len = len,
name = name
) +
geom_rect (
data = pf3d7Genes,
aes (
xmin = start,
xmax = end,
ymin = as.numeric (chrom) - 0.5 ,
ymax = as.numeric (chrom) - 0.4 ,
fill = description,
ID = ID,
feature = feature,
chrom = chrom,
start = start,
end = end,
strand = strand,
name = name
) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c (c ("-" = "#AA0A3C50" , "+" = "#3DB7E950" ),
## chr11 chr13 rRNA - Pf3D7_11_v3-1918005-1933391-for__Pf3D7_13_v3-2791996-2807398-for
#| fig-column: screen
grouping = "Pf3D7_11_v3-1918005-1933391-for__Pf3D7_13_v3-2791996-2807398-for"
conservedInfo_current = allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum %>%
filter (grouping == group) %>%
filter (length >= 100 )
conservedInfo_current_chrom_sum = conservedInfo_current %>%
group_by (chrom) %>%
summarise (start = min (start),
end = max (end)) %>%
mutate (name = paste0 (chrom, "-" , start, "-" , end),
len = end - start,
strand = "+" )
conservedInfo_current_other_sum = conservedInfo_current %>%
group_by (other_chrom) %>%
summarise (start = min (other_start),
end = max (other_end)) %>%
rename (chrom = other_chrom) %>%
mutate (name = paste0 (chrom, "-" , start, "-" , end),
len = end - start,
strand = "+" )
# Re-cut region to the stretches of unqiue sequences without the nucmer expansion
newRegionBound = conservedInfo_current_chrom_sum %>%
bind_rows (conservedInfo_current_other_sum)
pf3d7Genes_chrom1 = pf3d7Genes %>%
filter (chrom == conservedInfo_current$ chrom[1 ],
start >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ],
start <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_end[1 ]) %>%
filter (start < 1933277 )
pf3d7Genes_chrom2 = pf3d7Genes %>%
filter (chrom == conservedInfo_current$ other_chrom[1 ],
start >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ],
start <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_end[1 ])
write_tsv (conservedInfo_current, "conservedInfo_between_11_and_13_sharedRegion_nucmer.tsv" )
conservedInfo_current_plot = ggplot (conservedInfo_current) +
geom_segment (
aes (
x = start,
xend = end,
y = other_start,
yend = other_end
linewidth = 2.5 ,
color = "black"
) +
geom_rect (
ymin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ],
ymax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] + conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ],
xmin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ] * 0.1 ,
xmax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ] * 0.001 ,
fill = "grey81" ) +
geom_rect (
ymax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ] * 0.001 ,
ymin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ] * 0.1 ,
xmin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ],
xmax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] + conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ],
fill = "grey81" ) +
geom_rect (data = pf3d7Genes_chrom1,
aes (xmin = start, xmax = end,
ymax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ] * 0.001 ,
ymin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ] * 0.1 ,
fill = description)) +
geom_rect (data = pf3d7Genes_chrom2,
aes (ymin = start, ymax = end,
xmax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ] * 0.001 ,
xmin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ] * 0.1 ,
fill = description)) +
labs (title = "" ,
x = "3D7 Chr13-2792021-2807295 (bp=15,260)" ,
y = "3D7 Chr11-1918028-1933288 (bp=15,274)" ,
fill = "" ) +
sofonias_theme +
coord_equal () +
# scale_fill_tableau() +
scale_fill_manual (values = c ( "#F748A5" , "#3DB7E9" , "#2271B2" , "#D55E00" ),
breaks = c ("28S ribosomal RNA" , "5.8S ribosomal RNA" , "18S ribosomal RNA" , "unspecified product" )) +
guides (fill= guide_legend (ncol = 1 ,byrow= TRUE )) +
theme (legend.position = c (0.375 , 0.825 ),
panel.border = element_blank (),
legend.background = element_blank (),
legend.box.background = element_rect (colour = "black" ))
#| fig-column: screen
#| column: screen-inset-shaded
#| fig-width: 5
#| fig-height: 5
print (conservedInfo_current_plot)
cairo_pdf ("nucmer_shared_3D7chr11-3D7chr13_region.pdf" , width = 5 , height = 5 )
print (conservedInfo_current_plot)
dev.off ()
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
cat (createDownloadLink ("shared_3D7chr11-3D7chr13_region.pdf" ))
### Comparison of region
Comparison of the whole shared region, the rRNA portion and the prior to the rRNA portion.
```{bash, eval = F}
elucidator bedRenameWithCoords --bed ../../../../sharedBetween11_and_13/investigatingChrom11Chrom13/shared_11_13_region.bed --out renamed_shared_11_13_region.bed
elucidator getFastaWithBed --overWrite --twoBit /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium/genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.2bit --bed renamed_shared_11_13_region.bed --out renamed_shared_11_13_region.fasta
elucidator compareToRef --fasta renamed_shared_11_13_region.fasta --out renamed_shared_11_13_region_comparison --ref renamed_shared_11_13_region.fasta
elucidator trimToLen --length 7981 --fasta renamed_shared_11_13_region.fasta --overWrite --out trimmed_to_7981.fasta
elucidator compareToRef --fasta trimmed_to_7981.fasta --out trimmed_to_7981_comparison --ref trimmed_to_7981.fasta
elucidator trimFront --forwardBases 7891 --fasta renamed_shared_11_13_region.fasta --overWrite --out trimmed_from_7981.fasta
elucidator compareToRef --fasta trimmed_from_7981.fasta --out trimmed_from_7981_comparison --ref trimmed_from_7981.fasta
comps = bind_rows (
readr:: read_tsv (
"surroundingRegionsMaterials/interchromosomalComparison/renamed_shared_11_13_region_comparison.txt" ,
) %>%
mutate (region = "wholeDupRegion" ),
readr:: read_tsv (
"surroundingRegionsMaterials/interchromosomalComparison/trimmed_to_7981_comparison.txt" ,
) %>%
mutate (region = "prior_to_rRNA_region" ),
readr:: read_tsv (
"surroundingRegionsMaterials/interchromosomalComparison/trimmed_from_7981_comparison.txt" ,
mutate (region = "rRNA_region" )
create_dt (comps)
# All rRNA regions
View all regions that contain rRNA regions
pf3d7Genes = readr:: read_tsv ("nucmerResults/genes/Pf3D7_genes.tab.txt" ) %>%
mutate (description = gsub (" \\ +" , " " , description))
nucmerResults_withGeneInfo = readr:: read_tsv ("nucmerResults/allNucmerResults1k_withGeneInfo.bed" , col_names = F)
nucmerResults_withGeneInfo_containingRibosomal = nucmerResults_withGeneInfo %>%
filter (grepl ("ribosomal.*RNA" , X7)) %>%
arrange (desc (X5))
listOfPlots = list ()
for (grouping in unique (nucmerResults_withGeneInfo_containingRibosomal$ X4)){
conservedInfo_current = allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum %>%
filter (grouping == group)
pf3d7Genes_chrom1 = pf3d7Genes %>%
filter (col.0 == conservedInfo_current$ chrom[1 ],
col.1 >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] | col.2 >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ],
col.1 <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_end[1 ] | col.2 <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_end[1 ])
pf3d7Genes_chrom2 = pf3d7Genes %>%
filter (col.0 == conservedInfo_current$ other_chrom[1 ],
col.1 >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] | col.2 >= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ],
col.1 <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_end[1 ] | col.2 <= conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_end[1 ])
pf3d7Chroms_filt = pf3d7Chroms %>%
filter (chrom %in% unique (c (conservedInfo_current$ chrom, conservedInfo_current$ other_chrom)))
pf3d7Chroms_filt = pf3d7Chroms_filt %>%
mutate (chrom = factor (chrom, levels = c (.$ chrom)))
conservedInfo_current_sum = conservedInfo_current %>%
group_by (chrom1_section_chrom, chrom1_section_start, chrom1_section_end,
chrom2_section_chrom, chrom2_section_start, chrom2_section_end) %>%
summarise (total = n (), revCompSum = sum (strand == "-" )) %>%
mutate (chrom1RevCompFrac = revCompSum/ total) %>%
mutate (chrom1RevComp = ifelse (chrom1RevCompFrac > 0.5 , T, F))
conservedInfo_current_sum = conservedInfo_current_sum %>%
mutate (chrom1_section_chrom = factor (chrom1_section_chrom, levels = c (pf3d7Chroms_filt$ chrom))) %>%
mutate (chrom2_section_chrom = factor (chrom2_section_chrom, levels = c (pf3d7Chroms_filt$ chrom)))
#cat(c(grouping, unique(conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_len)), sep = "\n")
currentPlot = ggplot (conservedInfo_current) +
geom_segment (
aes (
x = start,
xend = end,
y = ifelse (strand == "-" , other_end, other_start),
yend = ifelse (strand == "-" , other_start, other_end),
color = strand
) +
geom_rect (data = pf3d7Genes_chrom1,
aes (xmin = col.1 , xmax = col.2 ,
ymax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ] * 0.001 ,
ymin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom2_section_len[1 ] * 0.01 ,
fill = description,
ID = ID)) +
geom_rect (data = pf3d7Genes_chrom2,
aes (ymin = col.1 , ymax = col.2 ,
xmax = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ] * 0.001 ,
xmin = conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_start[1 ] - conservedInfo_current$ chrom1_section_len[1 ] * 0.01 ,
fill = description,
ID = ID )) +
labs (title = grouping,
y = pf3d7Genes_chrom2$ col.0 [1 ],
x = pf3d7Genes_chrom1$ col.0 [1 ]) + sofonias_theme + coord_equal () +
scale_color_manual (values = c ("-" = "#AA0A3C" , "+" = "#0AB45A" ));
if (conservedInfo_current_sum$ chrom1RevComp[1 ]){
currentPlot = currentPlot +
scale_y_reverse ()
listOfPlots[[grouping]] = ggplotly (currentPlot)
listOfPlots[[paste0 (grouping, "-fullView" )]] = ggplotly (
ggplot () +
geom_rect (
data = pf3d7Chroms_filt,
aes (
xmin = 0 ,
xmax = length,
ymin = as.numeric (chrom) - 0.4 ,
ymax = as.numeric (chrom) + 0.4
fill = "grey75"
) +
scale_y_continuous (
breaks = 1 : (nrow (pf3d7Chroms_filt)),
labels = levels (pf3d7Chroms_filt$ chrom)
) +
sofonias_theme +
geom_rect (
data = conservedInfo_current_sum,
aes (
xmin = chrom1_section_start,
xmax = chrom1_section_end,
ymin = as.numeric (chrom1_section_chrom) - 0.4 ,
ymax = as.numeric (chrom1_section_chrom) + 0.4 ,
fill = chrom1RevComp
) +
geom_rect (
data = conservedInfo_current_sum,
aes (
xmin = chrom2_section_start,
xmax = chrom2_section_end,
ymin = as.numeric (chrom2_section_chrom) - 0.4 ,
ymax = as.numeric (chrom2_section_chrom) + 0.4
fill = "#0AB45A"
) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c ("TRUE" = "#AA0A3C" , "FALSE" = "#0AB45A" ))
Plots of a close of the two regions shared between chromosomes with the present genes and plots of the locations on the chromosomes.
#| fig-column: screen
#| column: screen-inset
#| results: asis
#| fig-width: 15
#| fig-height: 25
cat (create_tabsetOfHtmlWidgets (listOfPlots))
#| column: screen-inset
allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum_sel_rRNA = allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum %>%
filter (group %in% nucmerResults_withGeneInfo_containingRibosomal$ X4) %>%
select (group, totalBases, starts_with ("chrom1_" ), starts_with ("chrom2_" )) %>%
unique ()
create_dt (allMummerResults_intersectedWithNucmer_mod_withSum_sel_rRNA)
<!-- ### chr05 chr07 rRNA - Pf3D7_07_v3-1083318-1090383-for–Pf3D7_05_v3-1289161-1296225-for -->
<!-- The other two intact rRNA loci within Plasmodium falciparum are of the A-type (expressed primarily while in the human host) and the duplicated/indentical region surrunding this loci contain only the rRNA and no other surrounding genes. -->
<!-- ```{bash, eval = F} -->
<!-- elucidator createBedRegionFromName --names Pf3D7_05_v3-1289161-1296225-for,Pf3D7_07_v3-1083318-1090383-for | elucidator getFastaWithBed --overWrite --twoBit /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium/genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.2bit --bed STDIN --out 05_07_region.fasta -->
<!-- elucidator compareToRef --fasta 05_07_region.fasta --out 05_07_region_comparison --ref 05_07_region.fasta --overWrite -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- comps = bind_rows( -->
<!-- readr::read_tsv( -->
<!-- "surroundingRegionsMaterials/interchromosomalComparison/05_07_region_comparison.txt", -->
<!-- ) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(region = "rRNA_chr05_chr07_region") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- create_dt(comps) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| fig-column: screen -->
<!-- grouping = "Pf3D7_07_v3-1083318-1090383-for--Pf3D7_05_v3-1289161-1296225-for" -->
<!-- conservedInfo_current = conservedInfo_mod %>% -->
<!-- filter(grouping == group) -->
<!-- pf3d7Genes_chrom1 = pf3d7Genes %>% -->
<!-- filter(col.0 == conservedInfo_current$chrom1[1], -->
<!-- col.1 >= conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_start[1], -->
<!-- col.1 <= conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_end[1]) %>% -->
<!-- filter(description != "unspecified product") -->
<!-- pf3d7Genes_chrom2 = pf3d7Genes %>% -->
<!-- filter(col.0 == conservedInfo_current$chrom2[1], -->
<!-- col.1 >= conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_start[1], -->
<!-- col.1 <= conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_end[1])%>% -->
<!-- filter(description != "unspecified product") -->
<!-- write_tsv(conservedInfo_current, "conservedInfo_between_05_and_07_sharedRegion.tsv") -->
<!-- conservedInfo_current_plot = ggplot(conservedInfo_current) + -->
<!-- geom_segment( -->
<!-- aes( -->
<!-- x = chrom1Pos_start, -->
<!-- xend = crhom1Pos_end - 1, -->
<!-- y = chrom2Pos, -->
<!-- yend = chrom2Pos + size - 1 -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- linewidth = 2.5, -->
<!-- color = "black" -->
<!-- ) + -->
<!-- geom_rect( -->
<!-- ymin = conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_start[1], -->
<!-- ymax = conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_start[1] + conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_len[1], -->
<!-- xmin = conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_start[1] - conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_len[1] * 0.1, -->
<!-- xmax = conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_start[1] - conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_len[1] * 0.001, -->
<!-- fill = "grey81") + -->
<!-- geom_rect( -->
<!-- ymax = conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_start[1] - conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_len[1] * 0.001, -->
<!-- ymin = conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_start[1] - conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_len[1] * 0.1, -->
<!-- xmin = conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_start[1], -->
<!-- xmax = conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_start[1] + conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_len[1], -->
<!-- fill = "grey81") + -->
<!-- geom_rect(data = pf3d7Genes_chrom1, -->
<!-- aes(xmin = col.1, xmax = col.2, -->
<!-- ymax = conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_start[1] - conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_len[1] * 0.001, -->
<!-- ymin = conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_start[1] - conservedInfo_current$chrom2_section_len[1] * 0.1, -->
<!-- fill = description)) + -->
<!-- geom_rect(data = pf3d7Genes_chrom2, -->
<!-- aes(ymin = col.1, ymax = col.2, -->
<!-- xmax = conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_start[1] - conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_len[1] * 0.001, -->
<!-- xmin = conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_start[1] - conservedInfo_current$chrom1_section_len[1] * 0.1, -->
<!-- fill = description)) + -->
<!-- labs(title = "", -->
<!-- x = "3D7 Chr07-1289161-1296225 (bp=7,064)", -->
<!-- y = "3D7 Chr05-1083318-1090383 (bp=7,065)", -->
<!-- fill = "") + -->
<!-- sofonias_theme + -->
<!-- coord_equal() + -->
<!-- # scale_fill_tableau() + -->
<!-- scale_fill_manual(values = c("#2271B2", "#F748A5", "#3DB7E9")) + -->
<!-- guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol = 1,byrow=TRUE)) + -->
<!-- theme(legend.position = c(0.375, 0.825), -->
<!-- panel.border = element_blank(), -->
<!-- legend.background = element_blank(), -->
<!-- legend.box.background = element_rect(colour = "black")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| fig-column: screen -->
<!-- #| column: screen-inset-shaded -->
<!-- #| fig-width: 5 -->
<!-- #| fig-height: 5 -->
<!-- print(conservedInfo_current_plot) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- cairo_pdf("shared_3D7chr05-3D7chr07_region.pdf", width = 5, height = 5) -->
<!-- print(conservedInfo_current_plot) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| results: asis -->
<!-- #| echo: false -->
<!-- cat(createDownloadLink("shared_3D7chr05-3D7chr07_region.pdf")) -->
<!-- ``` -->