title: "Plotting coverage in sub windows"
```{r setup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
```{r, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE}
metaByBioSample = readr::read_tsv("../meta/metadata/metaByBioSample.tab.txt") %>%
mutate(country = gsub("South East Asia - East", "Cambodia", country))
metaByBioSample_Ethiopia = metaByBioSample %>% filter(country == "Ethiopia")
allSel = readr::read_tsv("/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/pfepipanels/Pf_Epi_Panels/data/MAD4HATTER/data/pf/reports/slim_allSelectedClustersInfo.tab.txt.gz")
allSel_xx = allSel %>%
filter(grepl("^X",s_Sample) & s_Sample %in% metaByBioSample_Ethiopia$sample)
allSel_xx_prep = HaplotypeRainbows::prepForRainbow(allSel_xx)
allSel = readr::read_tsv("/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/pfepipanels/Pf_Epi_Panels/data/PfSMART/data/pf/reports/slim_allSelectedClustersInfo.tab.txt.gz")
allSel_xx = allSel %>%
filter(grepl("^X",s_Sample) & s_Sample %in% metaByBioSample_Ethiopia$sample)
allSel_xx_prep = HaplotypeRainbows::prepForRainbow(allSel_xx, minPopSize = 1)
allSel = readr::read_tsv("/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/pfepipanels/Pf_Epi_Panels/data/heome1/data/pf/reports/slim_allSelectedClustersInfo.tab.txt.gz")
allSel_withDeletions = allSel %>%
filter(s_Sample %in% previousDeletionCalls$BiologicalSample)
allSel_withDeletions_prep = HaplotypeRainbows::prepForRainbow(allSel_withDeletions, minPopSize = 2)
pdf("heome1_rainbow.pdf", width = 20, height = 25, useDingbats = F)
allSel_withDeletions_prep_outForMoire = allSel_withDeletions_prep %>%
select(s_Sample, p_name, h_popUID) %>%
rename(sample_id = s_Sample,
locus = p_name,
allele = h_popUID)
write_tsv(allSel_withDeletions_prep_outForMoire, "~/Downloads/allSel_withDeletions_prep_outForMoire.tsv")
meta = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/meta.tab.txt" ) %>%
mutate (country = gsub ("South East Asia - East" , "Cambodia" , country))
metaByBioSample = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/metaByBioSample.tab.txt" ) %>%
mutate (country = gsub ("South East Asia - East" , "Cambodia" , country))
# coiCalls = readr::read_tsv("MAD4HATTER_COI_calls.tab.txt")
# #coiCalls = readr::read_tsv("PfSMART_COI_calls.tab.txt")
# coiCalls = readr::read_tsv("heome1_COI_calls.tab.txt")
# coiCalls_poly = coiCalls %>%
# filter(COI > 1)
previousDeletionCalls = readr:: read_tsv ("allMeta_HRP2_HRP3_deletionCalls.tab.txt" ) %>%
#filter(country %!in% c("Bangladesh", "Mauritania", "Myanmar", "The Gambia")) %>%
filter (! ((grepl ("SPT" , sample) & possiblyChr11Deleted))) %>%
#filter(BiologicalSample %!in% coiCalls_poly$sample) %>%
mutate (country = gsub ("South East Asia - East" , "Cambodia" , country)) %>%
mutate (hrpCall = case_when (
possiblyHRP2Deleted & possiblyHRP3Deleted ~ "pfhrp2-/pfhrp3-" ,
possiblyHRP2Deleted & ! possiblyHRP3Deleted ~ "pfhrp2-/pfhrp3+" ,
! possiblyHRP2Deleted & possiblyHRP3Deleted ~ "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3-" ,
T ~ "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+"
# %>%
# left_join(coiCalls %>%
# rename(BiologicalSample = sample))
previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_del = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (possiblyHRP2Deleted)
previousDeletionCalls_hrp3_del = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (possiblyHRP3Deleted)
previousDeletionCalls_chr11_del = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (possiblyChr11Deleted)
masterTable = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/metadata/masterTable.tab.txt" ) %>% filter (! is.na (SRARuns))
cov = readr:: read_tsv ("../meta/allCov_summaryStats.tab.txt.gz" )
#cov = readr::read_tsv("../../../../allSRAData/reProcess_2021_11_19/coverage/data/allCov_summaryStats.tab.txt.gz")
meta = meta%>%
left_join (previousDeletionCalls)%>%
mutate (isolate = ifelse (IsFieldSample, "Field" , BiologicalSample))
inputFnp = "data/finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_withTunedSubWindows/popClustering/reports/allBasicInfo.tab.txt.gz"
outputFnp = "finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_withTunedSubWindows_allBasicInfo.Rdata"
if (! file.exists (outputFnp) | file.info (inputFnp)$ ctime > file.info (outputFnp)$ ctime){
allBasicInfo = readr:: read_tsv (inputFnp)%>%
mutate (genomicID = paste0 (` #chrom ` , "-" , start, "-" , end))
save (allBasicInfo, file = outputFnp)
}else {
load (outputFnp)
homologousRegion = readr:: read_tsv ("../rRNA_segmental_duplications/sharedBetween11_and_13/investigatingChrom11Chrom13/Pf3D7_13_v3-2792021-2807295-for--Pf3D7_11_v3-1918028-1933288-for.bed" ,
col_names = F)
allBasicInfo_filt = allBasicInfo %>%
filter (sample %fin% previousDeletionCalls$ sample) %>%
# filter(name %!in% Chrom13RegionsToRemove) %>%
#mutate(inGene = !is.na(extraField0)) %>%
mutate (inGene = extraField0 != "[extraField0=NA]" ) %>%
left_join (cov) %>%
mutate (medianCov = median (perBaseCoverage),
meanCov = mean (perBaseCoverage)) %>%
mutate (perBaseCoverageNorm = ifelse (inGene, perBaseCoverage/ medianPerBaseCov_inGenes, perBaseCoverage/ medianPerBaseCov_notInGenes)) %>%
mutate (perBaseCoverageNormRounded = ifelse (perBaseCoverageNorm > 0.10 & perBaseCoverageNorm <= 1 , 1 , perBaseCoverageNorm)) %>%
mutate (perBaseCoverageNormRounded = round (perBaseCoverageNormRounded))
# mutate(perBaseCoverageNormRounded = ifelse(perBaseCoverageNorm >0.10 & perBaseCoverageNorm < 0.5, 0.5, perBaseCoverageNorm)) %>%
# mutate(perBaseCoverageNormRounded = round(perBaseCoverageNormRounded/0.5)*0.5)
regions = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (.$ sample[1 ] == sample) %>%
select (1 : 6 , extraField0) %>%
unique () %>%
mutate (genomicID = paste0 (` #chrom ` , "-" , start, "-" , end))
regions = regions %>%
mutate (id = paste0 (` #chrom ` , "-" , start, "-" , end)) %>%
arrange (id) %>%
#mutate(inGene = !is.na(extraField0)) %>%
mutate (inGene = extraField0 != "[extraField0=NA]" ) %>%
mutate (geneType = ifelse (
grepl ("histidine-rich protein II" , regions$ extraField0),
"hrp" ,
)) %>%
mutate (geneType = ifelse (grepl ("ribosomal RNA" , regions$ extraField0), "rRNA" , geneType)) %>%
mutate (geneType = ifelse (grepl ("332" , regions$ extraField0), "Pf332" , geneType)) %>%
mutate (homologousRegion = ifelse ((` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" &
start >= 1918028 &
end <= 1933288 ) |
` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" &
start >= 2792021 &
end <= 2807295 ,
"shared" ,
)) %>%
mutate (afterHomologousRegion = (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" &
start >= 1933288 ) |
(` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" &
start >= 2807295 )) %>%
mutate (genomicRegion = case_when (
"rRNA" == geneType ~ "rRNA" ,
"hrp" == geneType ~ "hrp" ,
"Pf332" == geneType ~ "Pf332" ,
afterHomologousRegion ~ "After Duplicated Region" ,
"shared" == homologousRegion ~ "Duplicated Region" ,
T ~ "other"
)) %>%
mutate (chrom = ` #chrom ` )
## further filtering
endRegions_08 = c ("Pf3D7_08_v3-1375207-1375341__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1375210-1375410__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1375185-1375485__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1375557-1375750__subseq-0" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1378006-1378662__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1378006-1378662__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1378006-1378662__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1378006-1378662__var-3" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1378006-1378662__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-2" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-5" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-6" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-7" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1379154-1379915__var-8" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1380194-1380328__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382255-1382505__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382255-1382505__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382255-1382505__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155__var-5" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155__var-6" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1382680-1383155__var-7" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384030-1384251__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384030-1384251__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384030-1384251__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384316-1384663__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384316-1384663__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384316-1384663__var-2" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384316-1384663__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384316-1384663__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370__var-5" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1384837-1385370__var-6" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385625-1385741__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385951-1386323__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385951-1386323__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385951-1386323__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385951-1386323__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385951-1386323__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1385951-1386323__var-5" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386518-1386680__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386518-1386680__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386518-1386680__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386518-1386680__var-3" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-00" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-01" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-02" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-03" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-04" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-05" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-06" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-07" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-08" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-09" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-10" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-11" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-12" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1386739-1387414__var-13" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1387782-1387982__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1387782-1387982__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_08_v3-1387782-1387982__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_08_v3-1387782-1387982__var-3" )
endRegions_11 = c ("Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-00" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-01" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-02" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-03" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-04" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-05" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-06" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-07" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-08" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-09" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-10" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-11" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-12" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-13" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-14" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-15" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-16" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-17" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1991347-1992851__var-18" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-00" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-01" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-02" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-03" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-04" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-05" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-06" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-07" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-08" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1992907-1993669__var-09" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1993833-1994061__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1993833-1994061__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1993833-1994061__var-2" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1993833-1994061__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1994139-1994363__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1994139-1994363__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1994139-1994363__var-2" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1994139-1994363__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995234-1995394__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995234-1995394__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995459-1995614__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995459-1995614__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995459-1995614__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-00" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-01" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-02" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-03" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-04" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-05" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-06" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-07" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-08" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1995678-1996112__var-09" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996349-1996650__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996349-1996650__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996745-1997019__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996745-1997019__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996745-1997019__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996745-1997019__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1996745-1997019__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997095-1997221__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997095-1997221__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997095-1997221__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997095-1997221__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997276-1997425__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997276-1997425__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997276-1997425__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997276-1997425__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997674-1997884__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997674-1997884__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371__var-2" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371__var-5" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371__var-6" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1997944-1998371__var-7" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998638-1998759__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998833-1999151__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998833-1999151__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998833-1999151__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1998833-1999151__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1999245-1999390__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-1999600-1999713__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-1999600-1999713__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000687-2000889__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000687-2000889__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000687-2000889__var-2" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000687-2000889__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000687-2000889__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000687-2000889__var-5" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000941-2001239__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000941-2001239__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000941-2001239__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000941-2001239__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000941-2001239__var-4" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2000941-2001239__var-5" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-00" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-01" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-02" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-03" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-04" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-05" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-06" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-07" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-08" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-09" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-10" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-11" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-12" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-13" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-14" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-15" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-16" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-17" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-18" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-19" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-20" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-21" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-22" ,
"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-23" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-24" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-25" ,"Pf3D7_11_v3-2001300-2003328__var-26" )
endRegions_13 = c ("Pf3D7_13_v3-2841776-2841926__subseq-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842001-2842301__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842076-2842151__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842076-2842176__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842101-2842251__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842001-2842301__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842151-2842226__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842226-2842301__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842001-2842301__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842251-2842351__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842301-2842376__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842251-2842401__var-0" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842251-2842451__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842426-2842501__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842476-2842688__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842476-2842688__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842476-2842688__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2842515-2842804__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446__var-3" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843108-2843446__var-5" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843641-2843863__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843641-2843863__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843930-2844101__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2843930-2844101__var-1" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785__var-0" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785__var-1" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785__var-2" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785__var-3" ,
"Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785__var-4" ,"Pf3D7_13_v3-2844247-2844785__var-5" )
hold = readr:: read_tsv (
"/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/hrps/windowSelectionSurroundingHRPs/Windows_Surrounding_HRP2_3_deletions/windowAnalysis/allMeta_HRP2_HRP3_deletionCalls.tab.txt"
#### filter ends chr08 -begin
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_08 = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_08_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_del$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, name) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverageNormRounded == 0 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
filter (name %in% endRegions_08) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker)) %>%
mutate (noCovPerc = noCov/ length (endRegions_08))
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_08_filt = allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_08 %>%
#filter(noCov == length(endRegions_08))
filter (noCovPerc >= 0.95 )
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_08 = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_08_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_del$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, name) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (readTotal > 10 & success, 0 , 1 )) %>%
filter (name %in% endRegions_08) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))%>%
mutate (noCovPerc = noCov/ length (endRegions_08))
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_08_filt = allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_08 %>%
#filter(noCov == length(endRegions_08))
filter (noCovPerc >= 0.95 )
samples_chr08_noCovNoSucEnds = intersect (
sort (
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_08_filt$ sample
sort (
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_08_filt$ sample
#### filter ends chr08 -end
#### filter ends chr13 -begin
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_13 = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% previousDeletionCalls_hrp3_del$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, name) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverageNormRounded == 0 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
filter (name %in% endRegions_13) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker)) %>%
mutate (noCovPerc = noCov/ length (endRegions_13))
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_13_filt = allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_13 %>%
#filter(noCov == length(endRegions_13))
filter (noCovPerc >= 0.95 )
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_13 = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% previousDeletionCalls_hrp3_del$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, name) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (readTotal > 10 & success, 0 , 1 )) %>%
filter (name %in% endRegions_13) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))%>%
mutate (noCovPerc = noCov/ length (endRegions_13))
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_13_filt = allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_13 %>%
#filter(noCov == length(endRegions_13))
filter (noCovPerc >= 0.95 )
samples_chr13_noCovNoSucEnds = intersect (
sort (
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_13_filt$ sample
sort (
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_13_filt$ sample
#### filter ends chr13 -end
#### filter ends chr11 -begin
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_11 = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% previousDeletionCalls_chr11_del$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, name) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (perBaseCoverageNormRounded == 0 , 1 , 0 )) %>%
filter (name %in% endRegions_11) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker)) %>%
mutate (noCovPerc = noCov/ length (endRegions_11))
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_11_filt = allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_11 %>%
#filter(noCov == length(endRegions_11))
filter (noCovPerc >= 0.95 )
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_11 = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_11_v3" ) %>%
filter (
sample %in% previousDeletionCalls_chr11_del$ sample
) %>%
group_by (sample, name) %>%
mutate (marker = ifelse (readTotal > 10 & success, 0 , 1 )) %>%
filter (name %in% endRegions_11) %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` ) %>%
summarise (noCov = sum (marker))%>%
mutate (noCovPerc = noCov/ length (endRegions_11))
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_11_filt = allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_11 %>%
#filter(noCov == length(endRegions_11))
filter (noCovPerc >= 0.95 )
samples_chr11_noCovNoSucEnds = intersect (
sort (
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoCovSel_11_filt$ sample
sort (
allBasicInfo_filt_endsNoSuccessSel_11_filt$ sample
#### filter ends chr11 -end
samplesToKeep = c (
) %>%
unique ()
samplesToRemove = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
select (sample) %>%
unique () %>%
filter (sample %!in% samplesToKeep)
previousDeletionCalls = readr:: read_tsv ("initial_allMeta_HRP2_HRP3_deletionCalls.tab.txt" ) %>%
filter (sample %in% samplesToKeep) %>%
#filter(country %!in% c("Bangladesh", "Mauritania", "Myanmar", "The Gambia")) %>%
filter (! ((grepl ("SPT" , sample) & possiblyChr11Deleted))) %>%
#filter(BiologicalSample %!in% coiCalls_poly$sample) %>%
mutate (country = gsub ("South East Asia - East" , "Cambodia" , country)) %>%
mutate (hrpCall = case_when (
possiblyHRP2Deleted & possiblyHRP3Deleted ~ "pfhrp2-/pfhrp3-" ,
possiblyHRP2Deleted & ! possiblyHRP3Deleted ~ "pfhrp2-/pfhrp3+" ,
! possiblyHRP2Deleted & possiblyHRP3Deleted ~ "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3-" ,
T ~ "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+"
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls, "allMeta_HRP2_HRP3_deletionCalls.tab.txt" )
previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_del = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (possiblyHRP2Deleted)
previousDeletionCalls_hrp3_del = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (possiblyHRP3Deleted)
previousDeletionCalls_chr11_del = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (possiblyChr11Deleted)
allBasicInfo_filt = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (sample %in% samplesToKeep)
allBasicInfo_filt_sp = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
group_by () %>%
select (sample, genomicID, perBaseCoverageNormRounded) %>%
spread (genomicID, perBaseCoverageNormRounded)
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat = as.matrix (allBasicInfo_filt_sp[,2 : ncol (allBasicInfo_filt_sp)])
rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) = allBasicInfo_filt_sp$ sample
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat > 2 ] = 2
regions = regions[match (colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat), regions$ genomicID),]
metaSelected = meta[match (allBasicInfo_filt_sp$ sample, meta$ sample), ]
metaSelected_hrp2_deleted = metaSelected %>% filter (possiblyHRP2Deleted)
metaSelected_hrp3_deleted = metaSelected %>% filter (possiblyHRP3Deleted)
metaSelected_hrp2_and_hrp3_deleted = metaSelected %>% filter (possiblyHRP2Deleted, possiblyHRP3Deleted)
regions_key = regions %>%
select (name, genomicID)
## Writing out deletion calls
Processing meta for deletions calls.
allBasicInfo_filt_counting = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
left_join (regions)
allBasicInfo_filt_counting_sum = allBasicInfo_filt_counting %>%
group_by (sample, ` #chrom ` , afterHomologousRegion) %>%
mutate (marker = perBaseCoverageNormRounded > 0 ) %>%
summarise (markerSum = sum (marker),
n = n ()) %>%
mutate (markerFrac = markerSum/ n) %>%
filter (afterHomologousRegion)
allBasicInfo_filt_counting_sum_sp = allBasicInfo_filt_counting_sum %>%
group_by () %>%
select (sample, ` #chrom ` , markerFrac) %>%
spread (` #chrom ` , markerFrac) %>%
mutate ()
allBasicInfo_filt_counting_sum_sp_hrp3Deleted = allBasicInfo_filt_counting_sum_sp %>%
filter (sample %in% metaSelected_hrp3_deleted$ sample) %>%
mutate (HRP3_deletionPattern = ifelse (Pf3D7_13_v3 < 0.10 , "Pattern 1" , "Pattern 2" ))
previousDeletionCalls = previousDeletionCalls %>%
left_join (allBasicInfo_filt_counting_sum_sp_hrp3Deleted %>%
group_by () %>%
select (HRP3_deletionPattern, sample))
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls %>%
#filter(hrpCall != "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+") %>%
left_join (masterTable %>% select (sample, SRARuns)), file = "allMetaDeletionCalls.tab.txt" )
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls %>%
#filter(hrpCall != "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+") %>%
left_join (masterTable %>% select (sample, SRARuns)) %>%
filter ("Pattern 2" == HRP3_deletionPattern), file = "allMetaDeletionCalls_Hrp3pattern2.tab.txt" )
# counts per country
previousDeletionCalls_countryHRPCallSum = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (hrpCall != "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+" ) %>%
filter (IsFieldSample) %>%
group_by (country, region, secondaryRegion, hrpCall) %>%
count ()
previousDeletionCalls_countryHRP3CallSum = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (! is.na (HRP3_deletionPattern)) %>%
filter (IsFieldSample) %>%
group_by (country, region, secondaryRegion, HRP3_deletionPattern) %>%
count ()
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls_countryHRPCallSum, "HRP_deletion_calls_by_country.tab.txt" )
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls_countryHRP3CallSum, "HRP3_deletionPattern_calls_by_country.tab.txt" )
# counts per region
previousDeletionCalls_regionHRPCallSum = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (hrpCall != "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+" ) %>%
filter (IsFieldSample) %>%
group_by (region, secondaryRegion, hrpCall) %>%
count ()
previousDeletionCalls_regionHRP3CallSum = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (! is.na (HRP3_deletionPattern)) %>%
filter (IsFieldSample) %>%
group_by (region, secondaryRegion, HRP3_deletionPattern) %>%
count ()
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls_regionHRPCallSum, "HRP_deletion_calls_by_region.tab.txt" )
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls_regionHRP3CallSum, "HRP3_deletionPattern_calls_by_region.tab.txt" )
# counter per continent
previousDeletionCalls_continentHRPCallSum = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (hrpCall != "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+" ) %>%
filter (IsFieldSample) %>%
group_by (secondaryRegion, hrpCall) %>%
count ()
previousDeletionCalls_continentHRP3CallSum = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (! is.na (HRP3_deletionPattern)) %>%
filter (IsFieldSample) %>%
group_by (secondaryRegion, HRP3_deletionPattern) %>%
count ()
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls_continentHRPCallSum, "HRP_deletion_calls_by_continent.tab.txt" )
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls_continentHRP3CallSum, "HRP3_deletionPattern_calls_by_continent.tab.txt" )
# total
previousDeletionCalls_HRPCallSum = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (hrpCall != "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+" ) %>%
filter (IsFieldSample) %>%
group_by (hrpCall) %>%
count ()
previousDeletionCalls_HRP3CallSum = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (! is.na (HRP3_deletionPattern)) %>%
filter (IsFieldSample) %>%
group_by (HRP3_deletionPattern) %>%
count () %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (total = sum (n))
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls_HRPCallSum, "HRP_deletion_calls_total.tab.txt" )
write_tsv (previousDeletionCalls_HRP3CallSum, "HRP3_deletionPattern_calls_total.tab.txt" )
<!-- ### Counts by continent -->
<!-- #### All -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_del_continentSum = previousDeletionCalls %>% -->
<!-- filter(possiblyHRP2Deleted) %>% -->
<!-- group_by(secondaryRegion) %>% -->
<!-- count(name = "hrp2_deletion_count") %>% -->
<!-- ungroup() %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp2_deletion_count = sum(hrp2_deletion_count)) -->
<!-- previousDeletionCalls_hrp3_del_continentSum = previousDeletionCalls %>% -->
<!-- filter(possiblyHRP3Deleted) %>% -->
<!-- group_by(secondaryRegion) %>% -->
<!-- count(name = "hrp3_deletion_count") %>% -->
<!-- ungroup() %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp3_deletion_count = sum(hrp3_deletion_count)) -->
<!-- previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_and_hrp3_del_continentSum = previousDeletionCalls %>% -->
<!-- filter(possiblyHRP2Deleted & possiblyHRP3Deleted) %>% -->
<!-- group_by(secondaryRegion) %>% -->
<!-- count(name = "hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count") %>% -->
<!-- ungroup() %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count = sum(hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count)) -->
<!-- previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_hrp3_del_continentSum = previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_del_continentSum %>% -->
<!-- full_join(previousDeletionCalls_hrp3_del_continentSum) %>% -->
<!-- full_join(previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_and_hrp3_del_continentSum) %>% -->
<!-- ungroup() %>% -->
<!-- select(-starts_with("total")) %>% -->
<!-- mutate_if(is.numeric,dplyr::coalesce,0) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count = sum(hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp3_deletion_count = sum(hrp3_deletion_count)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp2_deletion_count = sum(hrp2_deletion_count)) -->
<!-- create_dt(previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_hrp3_del_continentSum) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- #### Field Samples -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_del_continentSum_field = previousDeletionCalls %>% -->
<!-- filter(IsFieldSample & possiblyHRP2Deleted) %>% -->
<!-- group_by(secondaryRegion) %>% -->
<!-- count(name = "hrp2_deletion_count") %>% -->
<!-- ungroup() %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp2_deletion_count = sum(hrp2_deletion_count)) -->
<!-- previousDeletionCalls_hrp3_del_continentSum_field = previousDeletionCalls %>% -->
<!-- filter(IsFieldSample & possiblyHRP3Deleted) %>% -->
<!-- group_by(secondaryRegion) %>% -->
<!-- count(name = "hrp3_deletion_count") %>% -->
<!-- ungroup() %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp3_deletion_count = sum(hrp3_deletion_count)) -->
<!-- previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_and_hrp3_del_continentSum_field = previousDeletionCalls %>% -->
<!-- filter(IsFieldSample & possiblyHRP2Deleted & possiblyHRP3Deleted) %>% -->
<!-- group_by(secondaryRegion) %>% -->
<!-- count(name = "hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count") %>% -->
<!-- ungroup() %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count = sum(hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count)) -->
<!-- previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_hrp3_del_continentSum_field = previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_del_continentSum_field %>% -->
<!-- full_join(previousDeletionCalls_hrp3_del_continentSum_field) %>% -->
<!-- full_join(previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_and_hrp3_del_continentSum_field) %>% -->
<!-- ungroup() %>% -->
<!-- select(-starts_with("total")) %>% -->
<!-- mutate_if(is.numeric,dplyr::coalesce,0) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count = sum(hrp2_and_hrp3_deletion_count)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp3_deletion_count = sum(hrp3_deletion_count)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(total_hrp2_deletion_count = sum(hrp2_deletion_count)) -->
<!-- create_dt(previousDeletionCalls_hrp2_hrp3_del_continentSum_field) -->
<!-- ``` -->
previousDeletionCalls_pattern2 = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter ("Pattern 2" == HRP3_deletionPattern)
coveredSamples = readr:: read_tsv ("samplesCovered.txt" , col_names = "sample" ) %>%
filter (sample %!in% samplesToRemove$ sample)
cat (coveredSamples$ sample, file = "samplesCovered.txt" , sep = " \n " )
masterTable_withDeletionMetaOutput = masterTable %>%
filter (PreferredSample) %>%
left_join (previousDeletionCalls) %>%
mutate (uncallable = sample %!in% coveredSamples$ sample) %>%
rename (HRP2Call = possiblyHRP2Deleted,
HRP3Call = possiblyHRP3Deleted,
HRPsCall = hrpCall,
Chr11TelemericCall = possiblyChr11Deleted) %>%
mutate (HRP2Call = case_when (uncallable ~ "uncallable" ,
is.na (HRP2Call) ~ "present" ,
! is.na (HRP2Call) & HRP2Call ~ "deletion" ,
T ~ "present" ),
HRP3Call = case_when (uncallable ~ "uncallable" ,
is.na (HRP3Call) ~ "present" ,
! is.na (HRP3Call) & HRP3Call ~ "deletion" ,
T ~ "present" ),
HRPsCall = case_when (uncallable ~ "uncallable" ,
is.na (HRPsCall) ~ "pfhrp2+/pfhrp3+" ,
T ~ HRPsCall),
Chr11TelemericCall = case_when (uncallable ~ "uncallable" ,
is.na (Chr11TelemericCall) ~ "present" ,
T ~ "deleted"
) %>%
left_join (cov %>%
select (sample, meanPerBaseCov)) %>%
select (- sample, - ExperimentSample,- PreferredSample) %>%
rename (sample = BiologicalSample) %>%
filter (! is.na (meanPerBaseCov))
masterTable_withDeletionMetaOutput_fieldSamples = masterTable_withDeletionMetaOutput %>% filter (IsFieldSample)
write_tsv (masterTable_withDeletionMetaOutput, "Supplemental Table - sample metadata old.tsv" )
allBasicInfo_filt_pat2 = allBasicInfo_filt %>%
filter (sample %in% previousDeletionCalls_pattern2$ sample)
allBasicInfo_filt_pat2_chr13WithCov = allBasicInfo_filt_pat2 %>%
filter (` #chrom ` == "Pf3D7_13_v3" ) %>%
filter (perBaseCoverageNormRounded > 0 ,
readTotal > 5 )
allBasicInfo_filt_pat2_chr13WithCov_lastRegion = allBasicInfo_filt_pat2_chr13WithCov %>%
group_by (sample) %>%
slice_max (end)
allBasicInfo_filt_pat2_chr13WithCov_lastRegion = allBasicInfo_filt_pat2_chr13WithCov_lastRegion %>%
mutate (coreGenomeDeletion = 2853482 - end)
skimr:: skim (allBasicInfo_filt_pat2_chr13WithCov_lastRegion %>%
ungroup () %>%
select (sample, coreGenomeDeletion, end, start))
meta = meta %>%
left_join (previousDeletionCalls) %>%
rename (hrp3DeletionPattern = HRP3_deletionPattern)
metaSelected = meta[match (allBasicInfo_filt_sp$ sample, meta$ sample), ]
metaSelected_hrp2_deleted = metaSelected %>% filter (possiblyHRP2Deleted)
metaSelected_hrp3_deleted = metaSelected %>% filter (possiblyHRP3Deleted)
metaSelected_hrp2_and_hrp3_deleted = metaSelected %>% filter (possiblyHRP2Deleted, possiblyHRP3Deleted)
regions_key = regions %>%
select (name, genomicID)
write_tsv (metaSelected, "metaSelected.tab.txt" )
write_tsv (regions, "subwindows_regionMeta.tab.txt" )
previousDeletionCalls_possiblyHRP2Deleted = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (possiblyHRP2Deleted)
previousDeletionCalls_possiblyChr11Deleted = previousDeletionCalls %>%
filter (possiblyChr11Deleted)
cat (previousDeletionCalls_possiblyChr11Deleted$ sample, file = "allMetaDeletionCalls_possiblyChr11Deleted_samples.txt" , sep = " \n " )
cat (previousDeletionCalls_possiblyHRP2Deleted$ sample, file = "allMetaDeletionCalls_possiblyHRP2Deleted_samples.txt" , sep = " \n " )
cat (previousDeletionCalls$ sample, file = "allMetaDeletionCalls_samples.txt" , sep = " \n " )
previousDeletionCalls_Hrp3pattern2 = readr:: read_tsv ("allMetaDeletionCalls_Hrp3pattern2.tab.txt" )
cat (previousDeletionCalls_Hrp3pattern2$ sample, file = "allMetaDeletionCalls_Hrp3pattern2_samples.txt" , sep = " \n " )
## Heatmaps
### All deletions
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat
rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaSelected$ site)] = ""
#RowLabs[metaSelected$country != "Ethiopia"] = ""
# rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = RowLabs
# regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaSelected$country, metaSelected$region, metaSelected$secondaryRegion)))
# regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
# names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "genomicRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
topAnnoColors = list ()
for (topAnnoName in colnames (topAnnoDf)){
levels = sort (unique (topAnnoDf[[topAnnoName]]))
scheme <- iwanthue (seed = rnorm (1 ) * 100 , force_init = TRUE )
if (length (levels) <= 8 ) {
#levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
levelsCols = palette.colors (palette = "Okabe-Ito" )[c (2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 5 , 9 , 1 )][1 : length (levels)]
#levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
}else {
levelsCols = scheme$ hex (length (levels))
names (levelsCols) = levels
topAnnoColors[[topAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[5], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[3],"FF"))
# topAnnoColors[["homologousRegion"]] = c("other" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[7], "FF"), "shared" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[8])
# topAnnoColors[["afterHomologousRegion"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[6], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[5],"FF"))
topAnnoColors[["inGene" ]] = c ("TRUE" = "#0072B2" , "FALSE" = "#D55E0000" )
topAnnoColors[["genomicRegion" ]][["other" ]] = "#0072B200"
rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c ("hrpCall" , "hrp3DeletionPattern" , "isolate" , "country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
rowAnnoColors = list ()
for (rowAnnoName in colnames (rowAnnoDf)){
levels = sort (unique (rowAnnoDf[[rowAnnoName]]))
scheme <- iwanthue (seed = rnorm (1 ) * 100 , force_init = TRUE )
if (length (levels) <= 9 ) {
#levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
levelsCols = palette.colors (palette = "Okabe-Ito" )[c (2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 5 , 9 , 1 )][1 : length (levels)]
#levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
} else {
levelsCols = scheme$ hex (length (levels))
names (levelsCols) = levels
rowAnnoColors[[rowAnnoName]] = levelsCols
rowAnnoColors[["region" ]]["Papua New Guinea" ] = "#999999"
rowAnnoColors[["region" ]]["South East Asia - West" ] = "#56B4E9"
rowAnnoColors[["PerfectChr11Copy" ]] = c ("TRUE" = "#0072B2" , "FALSE" = "#D55E0000" )
rowAnnoColors[["hrp3Pattern1" ]] = c ("TRUE" = "#0072B2" , "FALSE" = "#D55E0000" )
rowAnnoColors[["HRP3_deletionPattern" ]] = c ("Pattern 1" = "#0072B2" , "Pattern 2" = "#D55E00" )
rowAnnoColors[["hrp2" ]] = c ("hrp2+" = "#00C2F9" , "hrp2-" = "#E20134" )
rowAnnoColors[["hrpCall" ]] = pfhrpsCallColors
rowAnnoColors[["hrpCalls" ]] = pfhrpsCallColors
rowAnnoColors[["pfhrp calls" ]] = pfhrpsCallColors
# rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
# "ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[7],
# "OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
# "S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
rowAnnoColors[["continent" ]] = continentColors
save (rowAnnoColors, file = "rowAnnoColors.Rdata" )
annotationTextSize = 20
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left"
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
Below is a heatmap of the coverage of these initial windows, meta data for each sample is added to the right for country of origin etc. The top has meta data on the regions covered including if they fall within genes, and specific genes of interest like HRP2/3, pf332 and rRNA regions are marked out.
Coverage is normalized to the genomic coverage in the rest of the genome. 1x coverage is normal coverage as compared to the rest of the gnome. For easier interpretation normalized coverage is capped at 2x coverage to easier see where possible duplication has happened. Coverage is rounded to nearest 0.5. Orange == 1x coverage, yellow == 2x coverage, red == no coverage.
There appears to be two distinct hrp3 deletion patterns:
* 1) segmental deletion of chr 13 just centromeric to hrp3 extending to the end of the chromosome, with simultaneous duplication of the chr 11 subtelomeric region, and
* 2) deletion of chr 13 starting at various locations centromeric to hrp3 but not involving chr 11 duplication.
A total of 153 field samples were found to be hrp3 deleted with 107 being pattern 1 (13-11++) and 46 being pattern 2(13-). Pattern 1 was exclusively found in samples from Africa and South America, while pattern 2 was observed almost exclusively in Southeast Asia.
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 30
#| fig-height: 25
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
pdf ("allHeatmap.pdf" , useDingbats = F, width = 30 , height = 25 )
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
dev.off ()
### HRP2-
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp2_deleted$ sample, ]
metaReSelected = meta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected
#rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaReSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaReSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaReSelected$ site)] = ""
# rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = RowLabs
# regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaReSelected$country, metaReSelected$region, metaReSelected$secondaryRegion)))
# regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
# names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "genomicRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
# topAnnoColors = list()
# for(topAnnoName in colnames(topAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(topAnnoDf[[topAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# topAnnoColors[[topAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[5], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[3],"FF"))
# topAnnoColors[["homologousRegion"]] = c("other" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[7], "FF"), "shared" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[8])
# topAnnoColors[["afterHomologousRegion"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[6], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[5],"FF"))
rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c ("hrpCall" , "hrp3DeletionPattern" , "isolate" , "country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
# rowAnnoColors = list()
# for(rowAnnoName in colnames(rowAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(rowAnnoDf[[rowAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# rowAnnoColors[[rowAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
# "ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[4],
# "OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
# "S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
annotationTextSize = 20
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left"
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
Heatmap of only the samples with possible HRP2 deletions.
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 30
#| fig-height: 15
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
cairo_pdf ("allHeatmap_hrp2_deleted.pdf" , width = 30 , height = 15 )
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
dev.off ()
### HRP3-
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp3_deleted$ sample, ]
metaReSelected = meta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected
#rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaReSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaReSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaReSelected$ site)] = ""
# rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = RowLabs
# regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaReSelected$country, metaReSelected$region, metaReSelected$secondaryRegion)))
# regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
# names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "genomicRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
# topAnnoColors = list()
# for(topAnnoName in colnames(topAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(topAnnoDf[[topAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# topAnnoColors[[topAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[5], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[3],"FF"))
# topAnnoColors[["homologousRegion"]] = c("other" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[7], "FF"), "shared" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[8])
# topAnnoColors[["afterHomologousRegion"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[6], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[5],"FF"))
rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c ("hrpCall" , "hrp3DeletionPattern" , "isolate" , "country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
# rowAnnoColors = list()
# for(rowAnnoName in colnames(rowAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(rowAnnoDf[[rowAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# rowAnnoColors[[rowAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
# "ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[4],
# "OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
# "S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
annotationTextSize = 20
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left"
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
Heatmap of only the samples with possible HRP3 deletions.
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 30
#| fig-height: 20
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
cairo_pdf ("allHeatmap_hrp3_deleted.pdf" , width = 30 , height = 40 )
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
dev.off ()
### pfhrp2-/pfhrp3-
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp2_and_hrp3_deleted$ sample, ]
metaReSelected = meta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected
#rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaReSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaReSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaReSelected$ site)] = ""
# rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = RowLabs
# regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaReSelected$country, metaReSelected$region, metaReSelected$secondaryRegion)))
# regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
# names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "genomicRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
# topAnnoColors = list()
# for(topAnnoName in colnames(topAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(topAnnoDf[[topAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# topAnnoColors[[topAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[5], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[3],"FF"))
# topAnnoColors[["homologousRegion"]] = c("other" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[7], "FF"), "shared" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[8])
# topAnnoColors[["afterHomologousRegion"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[6], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[5],"FF"))
rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c ("hrpCall" , "hrp3DeletionPattern" , "isolate" , "country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
# rowAnnoColors = list()
# for(rowAnnoName in colnames(rowAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(rowAnnoDf[[rowAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# rowAnnoColors[[rowAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
# "ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[4],
# "OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
# "S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
annotationTextSize = 20
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left"
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
Heatmap of only the samples with possible HRP2 and HRP3 deletions.
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 30
#| fig-height: 20
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
cairo_pdf ("allHeatmap_hrp2_and_hrp3_deleted.pdf" , width = 30 , height = 20 )
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
dev.off ()
## Heatmaps with removed regions
Same as above but removed regions with systematic low coverage in sWGA samples that makes there are additional coverage problems.
### Removing regions
regions_Pf332 = regions %>%
filter ("Pf332" == genomicRegion)
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[,colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% regions_Pf332$ genomicID]
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df = as_tibble (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332)
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df_long = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df %>%
mutate (sample = rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332)) %>%
gather (genomicID, coverage, 1 : (ncol (.) - 1 ))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df_long_sum = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df_long %>%
group_by (genomicID) %>%
summarise (totalSamps = length (unique (sample)),
covered = sum (coverage > 0 )) %>%
mutate (coverageRate = covered/ totalSamps)
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df_long_sum_notPass = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df_long_sum %>%
filter (coverageRate < 0.90 )
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[,colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %!in% allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df_long_sum_notPass$ genomicID]
regions = regions %>%
filter (genomicID %!in% allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_Pf332_df_long_sum_notPass$ genomicID)
save (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat, regions, file = "allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat.Rdata" )
### All deletions
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat
rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaSelected$ site)] = ""
#RowLabs[metaSelected$country != "Ethiopia"] = ""
# rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = RowLabs
# regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaSelected$country, metaSelected$region, metaSelected$secondaryRegion)))
# regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
# names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "genomicRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c ("hrpCall" , "hrp3DeletionPattern" , "isolate" , "country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
annotationTextSize = 20
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left"
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
Below is a heatmap of the coverage of these initial windows, meta data for each sample is added to the right for country of origin etc. The top has meta data on the regions covered including if they fall within genes, and specific genes of interest like HRP2/3, pf332 and rRNA regions are marked out.
Coverage is normalized to the genomic coverage in the rest of the genome. 1x coverage is normal coverage as compared to the rest of the gnome. For easier interpretation normalized coverage is capped at 2x coverage to easier see where possible duplication has happened. Coverage is rounded to nearest 0.5. Orange == 1x coverage, yellow == 2x coverage, red == no coverage.
There appears to be two distinct hrp3 deletion patterns:
* 1) segmental deletion of chr 13 just centromeric to hrp3 extending to the end of the chromosome, with simultaneous duplication of the chr 11 subtelomeric region, and
* 2) deletion of chr 13 starting at various locations centromeric to hrp3 but not involving chr 11 duplication.
A total of 153 field samples were found to be hrp3 deleted with 107 being pattern 1 and 46 being pattern 2. Pattern 1 was exclusively found in samples from Africa and South America, while pattern 2 was observed almost exclusively in Southeast Asia.
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 30
#| fig-height: 25
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
pdf ("allHeatmap_filtered.pdf" , useDingbats = F, width = 30 , height = 25 )
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
dev.off ()
### HRP2-
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp2_deleted$ sample, ]
metaReSelected = meta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected
#rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaReSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaReSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaReSelected$ site)] = ""
# rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = RowLabs
# regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaReSelected$country, metaReSelected$region, metaReSelected$secondaryRegion)))
# regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
# names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "genomicRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
# topAnnoColors = list()
# for(topAnnoName in colnames(topAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(topAnnoDf[[topAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# topAnnoColors[[topAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[5], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[3],"FF"))
# topAnnoColors[["homologousRegion"]] = c("other" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[7], "FF"), "shared" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[8])
# topAnnoColors[["afterHomologousRegion"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[6], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[5],"FF"))
rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c ("hrpCall" , "hrp3DeletionPattern" , "isolate" , "country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
# rowAnnoColors = list()
# for(rowAnnoName in colnames(rowAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(rowAnnoDf[[rowAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# rowAnnoColors[[rowAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
# "ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[4],
# "OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
# "S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
annotationTextSize = 20
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left"
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
Heatmap of only the samples with possible HRP2 deletions.
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 30
#| fig-height: 15
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
pdf ("allHeatmap_hrp2_deleted_filtered.pdf" , useDingbats = F, width = 30 , height = 15 )
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
dev.off ()
### HRP3-
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp3_deleted$ sample, ]
metaReSelected = meta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected
#rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaReSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaReSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaReSelected$ site)] = ""
# rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = RowLabs
# regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaReSelected$country, metaReSelected$region, metaReSelected$secondaryRegion)))
# regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
# names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "genomicRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
# topAnnoColors = list()
# for(topAnnoName in colnames(topAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(topAnnoDf[[topAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# topAnnoColors[[topAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[5], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[3],"FF"))
# topAnnoColors[["homologousRegion"]] = c("other" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[7], "FF"), "shared" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[8])
# topAnnoColors[["afterHomologousRegion"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[6], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[5],"FF"))
rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c ("hrpCall" , "hrp3DeletionPattern" , "isolate" , "country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
# rowAnnoColors = list()
# for(rowAnnoName in colnames(rowAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(rowAnnoDf[[rowAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# rowAnnoColors[[rowAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
# "ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[4],
# "OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
# "S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
annotationTextSize = 20
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left"
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
Heatmap of only the samples with possible HRP3 deletions.
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 30
#| fig-height: 20
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
pdf ("allHeatmap_hrp3_deleted_filtered.pdf" , useDingbats = F, width = 30 , height = 20 )
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
dev.off ()
### pfhrp2-/pfhrp3-
library (circlize)
col_fun = colorRamp2 (c (0 , 1 , 2 ), c (heat.colors (3 )))
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp2_and_hrp3_deleted$ sample, ]
metaReSelected = meta[match (rownames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$ sample), ]
allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected
#rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
colnames (allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = NULL
RowLabs = metaReSelected$ BiologicalSample
RowLabs[metaReSelected$ site != "LabIsolate" | is.na (metaReSelected$ site)] = ""
# rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected_noLabs) = RowLabs
# regionNames = sort(unique(c(metaReSelected$country, metaReSelected$region, metaReSelected$secondaryRegion)))
# regionColors = scheme$hex(length(regionNames))
# names(regionColors) = regionNames
topAnnoDf = regions[,c ("inGene" , "genomicRegion" , "chrom" )] %>% as.data.frame ()
# topAnnoColors = list()
# for(topAnnoName in colnames(topAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(topAnnoDf[[topAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# topAnnoColors[[topAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[5], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[3],"FF"))
# topAnnoColors[["homologousRegion"]] = c("other" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[7], "FF"), "shared" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[8])
# topAnnoColors[["afterHomologousRegion"]] = c("TRUE" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[6], "FALSE" = paste0(tableau_color_pal()(8)[5],"FF"))
rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c ("hrpCall" , "hrp3DeletionPattern" , "isolate" , "country" , "region" , "secondaryRegion" )] %>% rename (continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame ()
# rowAnnoColors = list()
# for(rowAnnoName in colnames(rowAnnoDf)){
# levels = sort(unique(rowAnnoDf[[rowAnnoName]]))
# scheme <- iwanthue(seed = rnorm(1) * 100, force_init = TRUE)
# if(length(levels) <= 10){
# levelsCols = tableau_color_pal()(length(levels))
# #levelsCols = sample(scheme$hex(10), length(levels))
# }else{
# levelsCols = scheme$hex(length(levels))
# }
# names(levelsCols) = levels
# rowAnnoColors[[rowAnnoName]] = levelsCols
# }
# rowAnnoColors[["continent"]] = c("AFRICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[1],
# "ASIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[4],
# "OCEANIA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[2],
# "S_AMERICA" = tableau_color_pal()(8)[3])
annotationTextSize = 20
topAnno = HeatmapAnnotation (
df = topAnnoDf,
col = topAnnoColors,
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
annotation_name_side = "left"
sideAnno = rowAnnotation (
df = rowAnnoDf,
col = rowAnnoColors,
gp = gpar (col = "grey10" ),
annotation_name_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
annotation_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
allCoverageHeatMap = Heatmap (
cluster_columns = F,
col = col_fun,
name = "coverage" ,
top_annotation = topAnno,
left_annotation = sideAnno,
row_dend_width = unit (5 , "cm" ),
column_dend_height = unit (5 , "cm" ),
heatmap_legend_param = list (
labels_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize),
title_gp = gpar (fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold" )
Heatmap of only the samples with possible HRP2 and HRP3 deletions.
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 30
#| fig-height: 20
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
pdf ("allHeatmap_hrp2_and_hrp3_deleted_filtered.pdf" , useDingbats = F, width = 30 , height = 20 )
draw (allCoverageHeatMap, background = "transparent" , merge_legend = TRUE , heatmap_legend_side = "left" , annotation_legend_side = "left" )
dev.off ()
<!-- ## By chromosome -->
<!-- ### All -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- library(circlize) -->
<!-- col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 1, 2), c(heat.colors(3))) -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat -->
<!-- rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL -->
<!-- colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c("hrpCall", "hrp3DeletionPattern", "isolate", "country", "region", "secondaryRegion")] %>% rename(continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr08 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_08_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] #08: 1290365 - 1387982 -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_11_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] #11: 1897157 - 2003328 -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_13_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] #13: 2769916 - 2844777 -->
<!-- #08: 1290365 - 1387982 -->
<!-- #11: 1897157 - 2003328 -->
<!-- #13: 2769916 - 2844777 -->
<!-- # topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "genomicRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "genomicRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr08 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_08_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr11 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_11_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr13 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_13_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- annotationTextSize = 20 -->
<!-- topAnno_chr08 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr08, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left" -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr11, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr13, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- sideAnno = rowAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = rowAnnoDf, -->
<!-- col = rowAnnoColors, -->
<!-- gp = gpar(col = "grey10"), -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- library(dendsort) -->
<!-- clustering = -->
<!-- # row_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs, method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")) -->
<!-- # row_dend$method = "euclidean"; row_dend$dist.method = "complete" -->
<!-- # col_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(t(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs), method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")) -->
<!-- # col_dend$method = "euclidean"; col_dend$dist.method = "complete" -->
<!-- row_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs))) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr08 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr08, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr08, -->
<!-- left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr08", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr11, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr11", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr13, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr13", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- hms_list = allCoverageHeatMap_chr08 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| fig-column: screen -->
<!-- #| fig-width: 30 -->
<!-- #| fig-height: 20 -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_filtered.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 30, height = 20) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- #### Just chr11 and chr13 -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c("hrp3DeletionPattern", "secondaryRegion", "hrpCall", "possiblyChr11Deleted")] %>% rename(continent = secondaryRegion -->
<!-- # , -->
<!-- # hrp2 = possiblyHRP2Deleted -->
<!-- ) %>% -->
<!-- # mutate(hrp2 = ifelse(hrp2, "hrp2-", "hrp2+")) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(hrp3DeletionPattern = case_when( -->
<!-- "Pattern 1" == hrp3DeletionPattern ~ "11++/13-", -->
<!-- "Pattern 2" == hrp3DeletionPattern ~ "11/13-", -->
<!-- possiblyChr11Deleted ~ "11-/13" -->
<!-- )) %>% -->
<!-- select(-possiblyChr11Deleted) %>% -->
<!-- rename(DeletionPattern = hrp3DeletionPattern) %>% -->
<!-- as.data.frame() -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod = rowAnnoColors -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod[["hrp3DeletionPattern"]] = c("11++/13-" = "#8400CD", "1113-" = "#9F0162", "11-/13" = "#FF6E3A") -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod[["DeletionPattern"]] = c("11++/13-" = "#8400CD", "11/13-" = "#9F0162", "11-/13" = "#FF6E3A") -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf_sorted = rowAnnoDf %>% -->
<!-- as_tibble() %>% -->
<!-- mutate(rowID = row_number()) %>% -->
<!-- arrange() -->
<!-- sideAnno = rowAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = rowAnnoDf, -->
<!-- col = rowAnnoColorsMod, -->
<!-- gp = gpar(col = "grey10"), -->
<!-- simple_anno_size = unit(1.5, "cm"), -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr11, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = T -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr11, -->
<!-- left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr11", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr13, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr13", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- hms_list = allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| fig-column: screen -->
<!-- #| fig-width: 30 -->
<!-- #| fig-height: 20 -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_filtered_chr11_chr13_leftLegend.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 30, height = 20) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- #pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_filtered_chr11_chr13.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 30, height = 20) -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_filtered_chr11_chr13.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 16, height = 12) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "bottom", annotation_legend_side = "bottom", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ##### re-sorted -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- hrp3_pat2_sample_deletion_meta = readr::read_tsv("hrp3_pat2_sample_deletion_meta.tsv") -->
<!-- hrp3_pat2_sample_deletion_meta_transition_chr5 = hrp3_pat2_sample_deletion_meta %>% -->
<!-- filter(`Transposition With Chr5`) -->
<!-- hrp3_pat2_sample_deletion_meta_tare1_onchr13 = hrp3_pat2_sample_deletion_meta %>% -->
<!-- filter(`TARE1 On Chr13`) -->
<!-- finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_investTelemeraseHealing_chr11_full_out_step50_windowSize100_tare1_samples = readr::read_tsv("finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_investTelemeraseHealing_chr11_full_out_step50_windowSize100/finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_investTelemeraseHealing_chr11_full_out_step50_windowSize100_tare1_samples.txt", col_names = c("sample")) -->
<!-- finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_investTelemeraseHealing_chr11_full_out_step50_windowSize100_tare1_samplesMeta = readr::read_tsv("finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_investTelemeraseHealing_chr11_full_out_step50_windowSize100_rowAnno.tsv") %>% -->
<!-- filter(`TARE1 On Chr11`) -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf = metaSelected[,c("sample", "hrp3DeletionPattern", "secondaryRegion", "hrpCall", "possiblyChr11Deleted")] %>% rename(continent = secondaryRegion -->
<!-- # , -->
<!-- # hrp2 = possiblyHRP2Deleted -->
<!-- ) %>% -->
<!-- # mutate(hrp2 = ifelse(hrp2, "hrp2-", "hrp2+")) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(hrp3DeletionPattern = case_when( -->
<!-- "Pattern 1" == hrp3DeletionPattern ~ "11++/13-", -->
<!-- "Pattern 2" == hrp3DeletionPattern ~ "11/13-", -->
<!-- possiblyChr11Deleted ~ "11-/13" -->
<!-- )) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(hrp3DeletionPattern = ifelse(sample %in% hrp3_pat2_sample_deletion_meta_tare1_onchr13$sample, "11/13-TARE1", hrp3DeletionPattern) ) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(hrp3DeletionPattern = ifelse(sample %in% hrp3_pat2_sample_deletion_meta_transition_chr5$sample, "5++/13-", hrp3DeletionPattern) ) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(hrp3DeletionPattern = ifelse(sample %in% finalHRPII_HRPIII_windows_investTelemeraseHealing_chr11_full_out_step50_windowSize100_tare1_samplesMeta$sample, "11-TARE1/13", hrp3DeletionPattern) ) %>% -->
<!-- select(-possiblyChr11Deleted, -sample) %>% -->
<!-- rename(DeletionPattern = hrp3DeletionPattern) %>% -->
<!-- as.data.frame() -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod = rowAnnoColors -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod[["hrp3DeletionPattern"]] = c( -->
<!-- "11++/13-" = "#8400CD", -->
<!-- "11/13-TARE1" = "#003C86", -->
<!-- "11/13-" = "#008DF9", -->
<!-- "11-/13" = "#9F0162", -->
<!-- "11-TARE1/13" = "#EF0096", -->
<!-- "5++/13-" = "#FF6E3A" -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod[["DeletionPattern"]] = c( -->
<!-- "11++/13-" = "#8400CD", -->
<!-- "11/13-TARE1" = "#003C86", -->
<!-- "11/13-" = "#008DF9", -->
<!-- "11-/13" = "#9F0162", -->
<!-- "11-TARE1/13" = "#EF0096", -->
<!-- "5++/13-" = "#FF6E3A" -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod[["Coverage Pattern"]] = rowAnnoColorsMod[["DeletionPattern"]] -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod[["Pattern"]] = rowAnnoColorsMod[["DeletionPattern"]] -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod[["hrp Call"]] = rowAnnoColorsMod[["hrpCall"]] -->
<!-- rowAnnoColorsMod[["pfhrps Call"]] = rowAnnoColorsMod[["hrpCall"]] -->
<!-- topAnnoColors[["Genomic Region"]] = topAnnoColors[["genomicRegion"]] -->
<!-- topAnnoColors[["Intragenic"]] = topAnnoColors[["inGene"]] -->
<!-- topAnnoColors_mod = topAnnoColors -->
<!-- topAnnoColors_mod[["Genes"]] = c("other" = "#56B4E9", hrp = "#009E73", Pf332 = "#D55E00", rRNA = "#FF5AAF", "pfmdr1" = "#7CFFFA") -->
<!-- topAnnoColors_mod[["Genes"]] = c("other" = "#56B4E9", hrp = "#8400CD", Pf332 = "#D55E00", rRNA = "#FF5AAF", "pfmdr1" = "#7CFFFA") -->
<!-- topAnnoColors_mod[["Genomic Region"]] = c("Chr11/13 Duplicated Region" = "#0072B2", "Subtelomere" = "#E69F00", "Chr5 Duplication" = "#EF0096") -->
<!-- #"TARE1 Chr5" = "#F60239", "Transition with 13" = "#F60239") -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf_sorted = rowAnnoDf %>% -->
<!-- as_tibble() %>% -->
<!-- mutate(rowID = row_number()) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(DeletionPattern = factor(DeletionPattern, levels = c("11++/13-", "5++/13-", "11/13-TARE1", "11/13-", "11-TARE1/13", "11-/13"))) %>% -->
<!-- arrange(DeletionPattern, continent, hrpCall) %>% -->
<!-- rename("Pattern" = DeletionPattern, -->
<!-- "pfhrps Call" = hrpCall) -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf_sortedDf = rowAnnoDf_sorted %>% -->
<!-- select(-rowID) %>% -->
<!-- as.data.frame() -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11_sorted = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11[rowAnnoDf_sorted$rowID,] -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13_sorted = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13[rowAnnoDf_sorted$rowID,] -->
<!-- sideAnno = rowAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = rowAnnoDf_sortedDf, -->
<!-- col = rowAnnoColorsMod, -->
<!-- gp = gpar(col = "grey10"), -->
<!-- simple_anno_size = unit(1.5, "cm"), -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- gap = unit(0.1, "cm") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr11_mod = topAnnoDf_chr11 %>% -->
<!-- rename("Genomic Region" = genomicRegion, "Genes" = "inGene") %>% -->
<!-- mutate(Genes = ifelse(Genes, "other", NA)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(Genes = ifelse(`Genomic Region` %in% c("hrp", "Pf332", "rRNA"), `Genomic Region`, Genes)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Genomic Region` = ifelse(`Genomic Region` %in% c("hrp", "Pf332", "After Duplicated Region"), "Subtelomere", `Genomic Region`))%>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Genomic Region` = ifelse(`Genomic Region` %in% c("rRNA", "Duplicated Region"), "Chr11/13 Duplicated Region", `Genomic Region`))%>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Genomic Region` = ifelse(`Genomic Region` %in% c("other"), NA, `Genomic Region`)) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr13_mod = topAnnoDf_chr13 %>% -->
<!-- rename("Genomic Region" = genomicRegion, "Genes" = "inGene")%>% -->
<!-- mutate(Genes = ifelse(Genes, "other", NA)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(Genes = ifelse(`Genomic Region` %in% c("hrp", "Pf332", "rRNA"), `Genomic Region`, Genes)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Genomic Region` = ifelse(`Genomic Region` %in% c("hrp", "Pf332", "After Duplicated Region"), "Subtelomere", `Genomic Region`))%>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Genomic Region` = ifelse(`Genomic Region` %in% c("rRNA", "Duplicated Region"), "Chr11/13 Duplicated Region", `Genomic Region`)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Genomic Region` = ifelse(`Genomic Region` %in% c("other"), NA, `Genomic Region`)) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr11_mod, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors_mod, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = T, -->
<!-- na_col = "#FFFFFF00", -->
<!-- gap = unit(0.1, "cm") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr13_mod, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors_mod, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F, -->
<!-- na_col = "#FFFFFF00", -->
<!-- gap = unit(0.1, "cm") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11_sorted, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = F, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr11, -->
<!-- left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold"), -->
<!-- title = "coverage", at = c(0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2), -->
<!-- labels = c("0", "0.5x", "1.0x", "1.5x", ">=2x") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr11", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13_sorted, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = F, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr13, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold", -->
<!-- title = "coverage", at = c(0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2), -->
<!-- labels = c("0", "0.5x", "1.0x", "1.5x", ">=2x")) -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr13", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- hms_list = allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| fig-column: screen -->
<!-- #| fig-width: 30 -->
<!-- #| fig-height: 20 -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_filtered_chr11_chr13_leftLegend_sorted.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 30, height = 20) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_filtered_chr11_chr13.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 30, height = 20) -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_filtered_chr11_chr13_sorted.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 16, height = 12) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "bottom", annotation_legend_side = "bottom", -->
<!-- ht_gap = unit(2, "cm"), padding = unit(c(5.5 *5*2, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5), "points")) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- cov = readr::read_tsv("../../../../allSRAData/reProcess_2021_11_19/coverage/data/allCov_summaryStats.tab.txt.gz") -->
<!-- allMetaDeletionCalls_Hrp3pattern2_samples = readr::read_tsv("/tank/data/plasmodium/falciparum/beds/hrps/redesign_2020_11_22/allMetaDeletionCalls_Hrp3pattern2_samples.txt", col_names = "sample") -->
<!-- allReports_chr5 = readr::read_tsv("stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200//reports/allBasicInfo.tab.txt.gz") %>% -->
<!-- filter(start >= 944389) %>% -->
<!-- #filter(sample %in% allMetaDeletionCalls_Hrp3pattern2_samples$sample) %>% -->
<!-- filter(sample %in% rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(inGene = !is.na(extraField0) ) %>% -->
<!-- left_join(cov) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(medianCov = median(perBaseCoverage), -->
<!-- meanCov = mean(perBaseCoverage)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(perBaseCoverageNorm = ifelse(inGene, perBaseCoverage/medianPerBaseCov_inGenes, perBaseCoverage/medianPerBaseCov_notInGenes)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(perBaseCoverageNormRounded = ifelse(perBaseCoverageNorm >0.10 & perBaseCoverageNorm <= 1, 1, perBaseCoverageNorm)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(perBaseCoverageNormRounded = round(perBaseCoverageNormRounded)) -->
<!-- allReports_chr5_sp = allReports_chr5 %>% -->
<!-- select(sample, name, perBaseCoverageNormRounded) %>% -->
<!-- spread(name, perBaseCoverageNormRounded) -->
<!-- allReports_chr5_sp_mat = as.matrix(allReports_chr5_sp[,2:ncol(allReports_chr5_sp)]) -->
<!-- rownames(allReports_chr5_sp_mat) = allReports_chr5_sp$sample -->
<!-- allReports_chr5_sp_mat = allReports_chr5_sp_mat[match(rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat)[rowAnnoDf_sorted$rowID], rownames(allReports_chr5_sp_mat)), ] -->
<!-- allReports_chr5_sp_mat[allReports_chr5_sp_mat >2] = 2 -->
<!-- topAnno_chr05 = allReports_chr5 %>% -->
<!-- filter(sample == .$sample[1]) %>% -->
<!-- select(name, extraField0) %>% -->
<!-- rename(`Gene Description` = extraField0) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Gene Description` = gsub(".*description=", "", `Gene Description`))%>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Gene Description` = gsub("\\].*", "", `Gene Description`)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Gene Description` = ifelse(grepl("PHIST", `Gene Description`), gsub("\\).*", "", gsub(".*PHIST", "PHIST", `Gene Description`)), `Gene Description`)) -->
<!-- transitionPoint = allReports_chr5 %>% -->
<!-- filter(sample == .$sample[1]) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(diffFromTransition = abs(979203 - start)) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Transition Point` = ifelse(diffFromTransition <=100, TRUE, NA)) %>% -->
<!-- select(name, `Transition Point`) -->
<!-- stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200_sampleRegion = readr::read_tsv("stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200/stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200_sampleRegion.txt", col_names = c("sample", "region")) %>% -->
<!-- separate(region, into = c("chrom", "start", "end"), sep = "-", convert = T, remove = F) -->
<!-- stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200_sampleRegion_count = stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200_sampleRegion %>% -->
<!-- group_by(sample) %>% -->
<!-- slice_min(order_by = start) %>% -->
<!-- group_by(region) %>% -->
<!-- count(name = "TARE1 Present Chr5 Count") -->
<!-- topAnno_chr05 = topAnno_chr05 %>% -->
<!-- left_join( -->
<!-- stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200_sampleRegion_count %>% -->
<!-- rename(name = region) -->
<!-- ) %>% -->
<!-- left_join(transitionPoint) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr05Df = topAnno_chr05 %>% -->
<!-- separate(name, into = c("chrom", "start", "end"), remove = F, convert = T, sep = "-") %>% -->
<!-- mutate(`Genomic Region` = ifelse(start >= 952474 & end <= 979431, "Chr5 Duplication", NA)) %>% -->
<!-- select(-name, -chrom, -start, -end) %>% -->
<!-- as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnno_chr05Colors = createColorListFromDf(topAnno_chr05Df) -->
<!-- # 05: 944389 - 988747 -->
<!-- topAnno_chr05Df_mod = topAnno_chr05Df %>% -->
<!-- # select(`Gene Description`, `TARE1 Present Chr5 Count`, `Transition Point`) %>% -->
<!-- select(`Gene Description`, `Genomic Region`) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(Genes = ifelse(is.na(`Gene Description`), NA, "other")) %>% -->
<!-- mutate(Genes = ifelse(`Gene Description` == "multidrug resistance protein 1", "pfmdr1", Genes)) %>% -->
<!-- #mutate(`Genomic Region` = NA) %>% -->
<!-- # mutate(`Genomic Region` = case_when(22 == `TARE1 Present Chr5 Count` ~ "TARE1 Chr5", -->
<!-- # `Transition Point` ~ "Transition with 13", -->
<!-- # T ~ `Genomic Region` -->
<!-- # )) %>% -->
<!-- select(`Genes`, `Genomic Region`) -->
<!-- # rowAnno = tibble(metaReSelected[,c("sample","country", "secondaryRegion")]) %>% -->
<!-- # rename(continent = secondaryRegion) %>% -->
<!-- # mutate(`TARE1 On Chr13` = sample %in% hrp3Pat2_samplesWithTare1$sample, -->
<!-- # `Transposition With Chr5` = sample %in% samplesWithTransitionToChr5$sample, -->
<!-- # `TARE1 On Chr5` = sample %in% stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200_sampleRegion$sample) -->
<!-- # rowAnno = tibble(metaReSelected[,c("sample","country")]) %>% -->
<!-- # mutate(`TARE1 On Chr13` = sample %in% hrp3Pat2_samplesWithTare1$sample, -->
<!-- # `Transposition With Chr5` = sample %in% samplesWithTransitionToChr5$sample, -->
<!-- # `TARE1 On Chr5` = sample %in% stableWindows_05_regionOfInterestNarrow_step150_windowSize200_sampleRegion$sample) -->
<!-- # -->
<!-- # rowAnnoDf = rowAnno %>% -->
<!-- # select(-sample) %>% -->
<!-- # as.data.frame() -->
<!-- # rowAnnoColors = createColorListFromDf(rowAnnoDf) -->
<!-- # sideAnno = rowAnnotation( -->
<!-- # df = rowAnnoDf, -->
<!-- # col = rowAnnoColors, -->
<!-- # gp = gpar(col = "grey10"), -->
<!-- # annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- # annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- # labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- # title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- # ), -->
<!-- # gap = unit(0.1, "cm") -->
<!-- # ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr05HM = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnno_chr05Df_mod, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors_mod, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- na_col = c("#99999900"), -->
<!-- gap = unit(0.1, "cm"), -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- library(circlize) -->
<!-- col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, max(allReports_chr5_sp_mat)/2, max(allReports_chr5_sp_mat)), c(heat.colors(3))) -->
<!-- allReports_chr5_sp_mat_nolab = allReports_chr5_sp_mat -->
<!-- colnames(allReports_chr5_sp_mat_nolab) = NULL -->
<!-- rownames(allReports_chr5_sp_mat_nolab) = NULL -->
<!-- allReports_chr5_sp_mat_hm = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allReports_chr5_sp_mat_nolab, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = F, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr05HM, -->
<!-- #right_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold", -->
<!-- title = "coverage", at = c(0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2), -->
<!-- labels = c("0", "0.5x", "1.0x", "1.5x", ">=2x")) -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr05", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #05: 944389 - 988747 -->
<!-- #11: 1897157 - 2003328 -->
<!-- #13: 2769916 - 2844777 -->
<!-- hms_list = allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 + allReports_chr5_sp_mat_hm -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_filtered_chr11_chr13_chr5_sorted.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 16, height = 12) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "bottom", annotation_legend_side = "bottom", -->
<!-- ht_gap = unit(2, "cm"), -->
<!-- #padding = unit(c(5.5 *5*2, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5), "points") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ### Hrp2- -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp2_deleted$sample, ] -->
<!-- metaReSelected = meta[match(rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$sample), ] -->
<!-- library(circlize) -->
<!-- col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 1, 2), c(heat.colors(3))) -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected -->
<!-- rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL -->
<!-- colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c("hrpCall", "hrp3DeletionPattern", "isolate", "country", "region", "secondaryRegion")] %>% rename(continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr08 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_08_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_11_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_13_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- # topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "genomicRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "genomicRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr08 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_08_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr11 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_11_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr13 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_13_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- annotationTextSize = 20 -->
<!-- topAnno_chr08 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr08, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left" -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr11, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr13, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- sideAnno = rowAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = rowAnnoDf, -->
<!-- col = rowAnnoColors, -->
<!-- gp = gpar(col = "grey10"), -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- library(dendsort) -->
<!-- clustering = -->
<!-- # row_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs, method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")) -->
<!-- # row_dend$method = "euclidean"; row_dend$dist.method = "complete" -->
<!-- # col_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(t(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs), method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")) -->
<!-- # col_dend$method = "euclidean"; col_dend$dist.method = "complete" -->
<!-- row_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs))) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr08 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr08, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr08, -->
<!-- left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr08", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr11, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr11", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr13, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr13", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- hms_list = allCoverageHeatMap_chr08 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| fig-column: screen -->
<!-- #| fig-width: 30 -->
<!-- #| fig-height: 15 -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_hrp2_deleted_filtered.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 30, height = 15) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ### Hrp3- -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp3_deleted$sample, ] -->
<!-- metaReSelected = meta[match(rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$sample), ] -->
<!-- library(circlize) -->
<!-- col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 1, 2), c(heat.colors(3))) -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected -->
<!-- rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL -->
<!-- colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c("hrpCall", "hrp3DeletionPattern", "isolate", "country", "region", "secondaryRegion")] %>% rename(continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr08 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_08_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_11_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_13_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- # topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "genomicRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "genomicRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr08 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_08_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr11 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_11_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr13 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_13_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- annotationTextSize = 20 -->
<!-- topAnno_chr08 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr08, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left" -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr11, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr13, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- sideAnno = rowAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = rowAnnoDf, -->
<!-- col = rowAnnoColors, -->
<!-- gp = gpar(col = "grey10"), -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- library(dendsort) -->
<!-- clustering = -->
<!-- # row_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs, method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")) -->
<!-- # row_dend$method = "euclidean"; row_dend$dist.method = "complete" -->
<!-- # col_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(t(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs), method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")) -->
<!-- # col_dend$method = "euclidean"; col_dend$dist.method = "complete" -->
<!-- row_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs))) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr08 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr08, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr08, -->
<!-- left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr08", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr11, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr11", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr13, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr13", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- hms_list = allCoverageHeatMap_chr08 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| fig-column: screen -->
<!-- #| fig-width: 30 -->
<!-- #| fig-height: 20 -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_hrp3_deleted_filtered.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 30, height = 20) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ### Hrp2- and Hrp3- -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat[rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat) %in% metaSelected_hrp2_and_hrp3_deleted$sample, ] -->
<!-- metaReSelected = meta[match(rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected), meta$sample), ] -->
<!-- library(circlize) -->
<!-- col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 1, 2), c(heat.colors(3))) -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_selected -->
<!-- rownames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL -->
<!-- colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs) = NULL -->
<!-- rowAnnoDf = metaReSelected[,c("hrpCall", "hrp3DeletionPattern", "isolate", "country", "region", "secondaryRegion")] %>% rename(continent = secondaryRegion) %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr08 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_08_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_11_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13 = allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs[,grepl("_13_", colnames(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat))] -->
<!-- # topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "genomicRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnnoDf = regions[,c("inGene", "genomicRegion", "chrom")] %>% as.data.frame() -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr08 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_08_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr11 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_11_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- topAnnoDf_chr13 = topAnnoDf %>% filter(grepl("_13_",chrom)) %>% select(-chrom) -->
<!-- annotationTextSize = 20 -->
<!-- topAnno_chr08 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr08, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left" -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr11 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr11, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- topAnno_chr13 = HeatmapAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = topAnnoDf_chr13, -->
<!-- col = topAnnoColors, -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- annotation_name_side = "left", -->
<!-- show_annotation_name = F -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- sideAnno = rowAnnotation( -->
<!-- df = rowAnnoDf, -->
<!-- col = rowAnnoColors, -->
<!-- gp = gpar(col = "grey10"), -->
<!-- annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- annotation_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- library(dendsort) -->
<!-- clustering = -->
<!-- # row_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs, method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")) -->
<!-- # row_dend$method = "euclidean"; row_dend$dist.method = "complete" -->
<!-- # col_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(t(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs), method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")) -->
<!-- # col_dend$method = "euclidean"; col_dend$dist.method = "complete" -->
<!-- row_dend = dendsort(hclust(dist(allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs))) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr08 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr08, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr08, -->
<!-- left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr08", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr11, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr11, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr11", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 = Heatmap( -->
<!-- allBasicInfo_filt_sp_mat_noLabs_chr13, -->
<!-- cluster_columns = F, -->
<!-- cluster_rows = row_dend, -->
<!-- col = col_fun, -->
<!-- name = "coverage", -->
<!-- top_annotation = topAnno_chr13, -->
<!-- # left_annotation = sideAnno, -->
<!-- row_dend_width = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- column_dend_height = unit(5, "cm"), -->
<!-- heatmap_legend_param = list( -->
<!-- labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize), -->
<!-- title_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotationTextSize, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- column_title = "Chr13", -->
<!-- column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 30, fontface = "bold") -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- hms_list = allCoverageHeatMap_chr08 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr11 + allCoverageHeatMap_chr13 -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- #| fig-column: screen -->
<!-- #| fig-width: 30 -->
<!-- #| fig-height: 20 -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ```{r} -->
<!-- pdf("allHeatmap_byChrom_hrp2_and_hrp3_deleted_filtered.pdf", useDingbats = F, width = 30, height = 20) -->
<!-- draw(hms_list, background = "transparent", merge_legend = TRUE, heatmap_legend_side = "left", annotation_legend_side = "left", ht_gap = unit(2, "cm")) -->
<!-- dev.off() -->
<!-- ``` -->