cat HB3_chr1*.fasta > PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
gsed -i 's/tig00000003/PfHB3_11/g' PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
gsed -i 's/tig00000002/PfHB3_13/g' PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
elucidator getKmerDetailedKmerDistAgainstRef --fasta PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --ref /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium//genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace --getRevComp --kmerLength 19 --overWrite --out --numThreads 15
elucidator getKmerDetailedKmerDistAgainstRef --fasta PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --ref /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium//genomes/pf/genomes/PfHB3.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace --getRevComp --kmerLength 19 --overWrite --out --numThreads 15
# reorient chr11 to the 3d7 direction
elucidator reOrientReads --fasta PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --ref /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium//genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta --kLength 11 --overWrite
gsed -i 's/_Comp//g' reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
nohup elucidator getUniqKmerBlocksOnGenomeAgainstRef --refGenome /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium/genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta --trimNameAtWhiteSpace --compGenome reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --kmerLength 19 --numThreads 15 --out compAgainstPf3d7 --overWrite &
mkdir fakeGenomes
ln -s ../reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta .
ln -s /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium/genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta .
nohup elucidator getKmerSharedBlocksBetweenGenomes --genomeDir ./ --primaryGenome Pf3D7 --klen 19 --dout compAgainst3D7 --numThreads 15 &
nohup elucidator getKmerSharedBlocksBetweenGenomes --genomeDir ./ --primaryGenome reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13 --klen 19 --dout compAgainstNewHB3 --numThreads 15 &
elucidator extractRefSeqsFromGenomes --bed "/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/hrps/windowSelectionSurroundingHRPs/mappingOutSurroundingRegions/endBeds/Pf3D7_chrom11_toEnd_all.bed" --genomeDir genomesOnlys/ --primaryGenome Pf3D7 --keepBestOnly --shortNames --combineByGenome --numThreads 3 --outputDir extractedChrom11End
elucidator extractFromGenomesAndCompare --genomeDir fakeGenomes/ --genomes reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13 --numThreads 2 --target sharedRegion --sample Pf3D7 --program exact --verbose --dout sharedRegionBlast --fasta ../sharedBetween11_and_13/investigatingChrom11Chrom13/shared_11_13_region.fasta
elucidator splitFile --trimAtWhiteSpace --fasta Pf3D7.fasta
elucidator splitFile --trimAtWhiteSpace --fasta reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta --out 11_vs_11_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta --out 11_vs_13_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta --out 13_vs_11_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta --out 13_vs_13_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 PfHB3_13.fasta --out HB3_11_vs_HB3_13_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 PfHB3_11.fasta --out HB3_13_vs_HB3_11_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta --out 11_vs_11_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta --out 11_vs_13_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta --out 13_vs_11_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta --out 13_vs_13_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 PfHB3_13.fasta --out HB3_11_vs_HB3_13_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 PfHB3_11.fasta --out HB3_13_vs_HB3_11_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_11.fasta Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_11.fasta Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_13.fasta Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_13.fasta Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_11.fasta PfHB3_13.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_13.fasta PfHB3_11.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_11.fasta Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_11.fasta Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_13.fasta Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_13.fasta Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_11.fasta PfHB3_13.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_13.fasta PfHB3_11.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
elucidator getReadLens --fasta Pf3D7.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace > chroms_Pf3D7.txt
elucidator getReadLens --fasta reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace > chroms_reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.txt
backtraceAmount = 50000
backtrace = backtraceAmount
sharedRegion_3d7 = readr::read_tsv("../rRNA_segmental_duplications/sharedBetween11_and_13/investigatingChrom11Chrom13/shared_11_13_region.bed", col_names = T)
hb3_11_vs_hb3_13_exacts = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/") %>% filter(strand == "+")
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exacts = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/") %>% filter(strand == "+")
hb3_11_vs_3d7_11_exacts = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/") %>%
left_join(sharedRegion_3d7 %>%
rename(query = `#chrom`, sharedStart = start, sharedEnd = end) %>%
select(query, sharedStart, sharedEnd)) %>%
filter(queryStart >= sharedStart - backtrace)
hb3_13_vs_3d7_11_exacts = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/") %>% filter(strand == "+") %>%
left_join(sharedRegion_3d7 %>%
rename(query = `#chrom`, sharedStart = start, sharedEnd = end) %>%
select(query, sharedStart, sharedEnd)) %>%
filter(queryStart >= sharedStart - backtrace)
threeD7chromsLens = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/chroms_Pf3D7.txt", col_names =c( "chrom", "len"))
HB3chromsLens = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/chroms_reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.txt", col_names =c( "chrom", "len"))
hb3_11_vs_11 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
ggplot(hb3_11_vs_11) + geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size))
hb3_13_vs_13 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
ggplot(hb3_13_vs_13) + geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size))
hb3_11_vs_13 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
ggplot(hb3_11_vs_13) + geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size))
hb3_13_vs_11 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
ggplot(hb3_13_vs_11) + geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size,
color = "hb3_13_vs_11"))+
geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size,
color = "hb3_11_vs_11"),
data = hb3_11_vs_11)
hb3_11_vs_hb3_13 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
sharedRegion = readr::read_tsv("sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13/regions.bed", col_names = F) %>%
sharedRegion_HB3_13 = readr::read_tsv("sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13/regions.bed", col_names = F) %>%
unique() %>%
filter(X1 == "PfHB3_13")
sharedRegion_HB3_11 = readr::read_tsv("sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13/regions.bed", col_names = F) %>%
unique() %>%
filter(X1 == "PfHB3_11")
tares = readr::read_tsv("repeats_filt_starts_ends_tares.tsv") %>%
mutate(X1 = gsub("PfHB3nano", "PfHB3", X1))
tares_chrom11_end = tares %>%
filter(X1 == "PfHB3_11") %>%
tares_chrom13_end = tares %>%
filter(X1 == "PfHB3_13") %>%
tares_chrom11_chrom13_ends = bind_rows(
ggplot() +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = 0, xmax = len,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1),
fill = "grey0",
data = HB3chromsLens %>%
filter(chrom == "PfHB3_13")) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
fill = "3D7-13"),
data = hb3_13_vs_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 1, ymax = 2,
fill = "3D7-11"),
data = hb3_13_vs_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 2, ymax = 3,
fill = "HB3-11"),
data = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "shared"
data = sharedRegion_HB3_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "TARE"
data = tares_chrom11_end) +
scale_fill_tableau() +
sofonias_theme +
#axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.5,1.5, 2.5),
labels = c("3D7 chr13",
"3d7 chr11",
"HB3 chr11")) +
labs(x = "HB3-chr13 Position", title = "Exact Matches To HB3 chr13")
zoomInHB3_chr13_exactMatchesPlot = ggplot() +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = 2780000, xmax = len,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1),
fill = "grey0",
data = HB3chromsLens %>%
filter(chrom == "PfHB3_13")) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
fill = "3D7-13"),
data = hb3_13_vs_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 1, ymax = 2,
fill = "3D7-11"),
data = hb3_13_vs_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 2, ymax = 3,
fill = "HB3-11"),
data = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "Duplicated\nRegion"
data = sharedRegion_HB3_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element"
data = tares_chrom13_end) +
#scale_fill_tableau() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("3D7-11" = "#3DB7E9", "3D7-13" = "#D55E00", "HB3-11" = "#F748A5", "Duplicated\nRegion" = "#2271B2", "Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element" = "#F0E442")) +
sofonias_theme +
#axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.5,1.5, 2.5),
labels = c("3D7 chr13",
"3d7 chr11",
"HB3 chr11")) +
labs(x = "HB3-chr13 Position",
title = "Exact Matches To HB3 chr13",
fill = "") +
zoomInHB3_chr11_to_chr13_exactMatchesPlot = ggplot() +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = 1810000, xmax = len,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1),
fill = "grey0",
data = HB3chromsLens %>%
filter(chrom == "PfHB3_11")) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 1, ymax = 2,
fill = "3D7-13"),
data = hb3_11_vs_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
fill = "3D7-11"),
data = hb3_11_vs_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 2, ymax = 3,
fill = "HB3-13"),
data = hb3_11_vs_hb3_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "Duplicated\nRegion"
data = sharedRegion_HB3_11) +
scale_fill_tableau() +
sofonias_theme +
#axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.5,1.5, 2.5),
labels = c("3D7 chr11",
"3d7 chr13",
"HB3 chr13")) +
labs(x = "HB3-chr11 Position", title = "Exact Matches To HB3 chr11") +
cd sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13
elucidator getReadLens --fasta ../../reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta > chromLens.txt
elucidator extendToEndOfChrom --bed uniq_regions.bed --chromLengthsTable chromLens.txt --out uniq_regions_toEnd.bed
elucidator extendBedRegions --bed uniq_regions_toEnd.bed --left 50000 --out l50000_uniq_regions_toEnd.bed
elucidator bedGetIntersectingRecordsInGff --bed l50000_uniq_regions_toEnd.bed --gff ../../annotations/scaffold.out.gff3 --extraAttributes product --overWrite --features polypeptide,rRNA --out gene_out
elucidator expandTableBySeparatingColumn --fnp gene_out.bed --sep "],[" --columnName col.6 --delim tab | sed 's/.*ID=//g' | sed 's/;.*//g' | sort | uniq > ids_near_ends.txt
elucidator gffToBedByID --id ids_near_ends.txt --gff ../../annotations/scaffold.out.gff3 --overWrite --out ids_near_ends.bed
elucidator bedGetIntersectingRecordsInGff --bed ids_near_ends.bed --gff ../../annotations/scaffold.out.gff3 --extraAttributes product --overWrite --features polypeptide,rRNA --out ids_near_ends_withInfo
sed 's/evidence.*;//g' ids_near_ends_withInfo.bed > renamed_ids_near_ends_withInfo.bed
elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --removeEmptyColumn --delim tab --column col.6 --file renamed_ids_near_ends_withInfo.bed --addHeader --out --overWrite
elucidator extractRefSeqsFromGenomes --bed "/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/rRNA/all/merged_updatedrRNA_locs.bed" --genomeDir fakeGenomes/ --primaryGenome Pf3D7 --outputDir extract_rRNA_regions --numThreads 15 --overWriteDirs --selectedGenomes Pf3D7,reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13
elucidator extractRefSeqsFromGenomes --bed "/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/rRNA/all/28s_rRNA_locs.bed" --genomeDir fakeGenomes/ --primaryGenome Pf3D7 --outputDir extract_28s_rRNA_regions --numThreads 15 --overWriteDirs --selectedGenomes Pf3D7,reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13
rRNA_28s = readr::read_tsv("extract_28s_rRNA_regions/Pf3D7_11_v3-1928933-1933138-for/beds/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13_region.bed", col_names = F) %>%
rename(col.0 = X1,
col.1 = X2,
col.2 = X3,
col.3 = X4,
col.4 = X5,
col.5 = X6) %>%
mutate(ID = "PfHB3_rRNA-28s", feature = "rRNA", product = "rRNA", product_mod = "rRNA")
annotations = readr::read_tsv("sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13/")
annotations = annotations %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("term=", "", product)) %>%
#rename(chrom = col.0, start = col.1, end = col.2, name = col.3, length = col.4, strand = col.5) %>%
# mutate(gene = ifelse(grepl("PF3D7_0831800", product_mod), "HRP II", "other")) %>%
# mutate(gene = ifelse(grepl("PF3D7_1372200", product_mod), "HRP III", gene)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", product_mod), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==product_mod, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("membrane associated erythrocyte binding-like protein"==product_mod, "merozoite adhesive erythrocytic binding protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("membrane associated erythrocyte binding-likeprotein"==product_mod, "merozoite adhesive erythrocytic binding protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("membrane associated histidine-rich protein 1"==product_mod, "membrane associated histidine-rich protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(",putative", ", putative", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("conserved protein, unknown function", "conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", product_mod), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==product_mod, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("membrane associated histidine-rich protein 1"==product_mod, "membrane associated histidine-rich protein", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", product_mod), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==product_mod, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("sporozoite and liver stage tryptophan-rich protein, putative", product_mod), "tryptophan/threonine-rich antigen", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("CRA domain-containing protein, putative", product_mod), "conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("surfaceantigen", "surface antigen", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("Tetratricopeptide repeat, putative", "tetratricopeptide repeat protein, putative", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("transmembraneprotein", "transmembrane protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("PfEMP1", product_mod) & grepl("pseudogene", product_mod), "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("PIR protein", "stevor", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("erythrocyte membrane protein 1-like", "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("acidic terminal segments, variant surface antigen of PfEMP1, putative", "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("CoA binding protein", product_mod, = T), "acyl-CoA binding protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("transfer RNA", product_mod) | grepl("tRNA", product_mod), "tRNA", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("cytoadherence", product_mod), "CLAG", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("surface-associated interspersed protein", product_mod), "SURFIN", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("SURFIN", product_mod), "SURFIN", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("stevor-like", product_mod), "stevor, pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("exported protein family", product_mod), "exported protein family", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("rRNA", feature), "rRNA", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("serine/threonine protein kinase", product_mod), "serine/threonine protein kinase, FIKK family", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("hypothetical protein", product_mod), "hypothetical protein, conserved", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function", product_mod), "hypothetical protein, conserved", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Rifin/stevor family, putative", product_mod), "stevor", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", product_mod), "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1)", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("erythrocyte membrane protein 1", product_mod), "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1)", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium RESA N-terminal, putative", product_mod), "ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen", product_mod)) %>%
left_join(rRNA_28s %>%
select(col.0, col.1, col.2) %>%
rename(`28rRNA-start` = col.1,
`28rRNA-end` = col.2)) %>%
filter(!(col.1 >= `28rRNA-start` & col.1 <= `28rRNA-end`)) %>%
annotations_filt = annotations %>%
filter(ID %!in% c("PfHB3_110054900.1:pep", "PfHB3_110055000.1:pep")) %>%
filter((col.0 == "PfHB3_11" & col.1 >=1849728 -backtraceAmount) |
(col.0 == "PfHB3_13" & col.1 >=2827490 -backtraceAmount)) %>%
filter(!("hypothetical protein, conserved" == product_mod &
((col.0 == "PfHB3_11" & col.1 >=1944764) |
(col.0 == "PfHB3_13" & col.1 >=2859471))))
annotations_filt_blank = tibble(
col.0 = c("PfHB3_11", "PfHB3_13"),
col.1 = c(1849728 -backtraceAmount, 2827490 -backtraceAmount))
HB3chromsLens_mod = HB3chromsLens %>%
rename(col.0 = chrom, col.2 = len) %>%
left_join(annotations_filt_blank %>%
select(col.0, col.1) %>%
rename(start = col.1)) %>%
mutate(len = col.2 -start)
annotations_filt_blank = annotations_filt_blank %>%
left_join(HB3chromsLens_mod %>%
select(col.0, len)) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + max(len)) %>%
mutate(newLen = col.2 - col.1)
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_forPlotting = bind_rows(
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11 %>%
select(seq1, seq1Pos, size) %>%
rename(col.0 = seq1,
col.1 = seq1Pos) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + size),
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11 %>%
select(seq2, seq2Pos, size) %>%
rename(col.0 = seq2,
col.1 = seq2Pos) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + size)
hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_forPlotting = bind_rows(
hb3_11_vs_11 %>%
select(seq1, seq1Pos, size) %>%
rename(col.0 = seq1,
col.1 = seq1Pos) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + size) %>%
filter(col.1 >=1849728 -backtraceAmount),
hb3_13_vs_11 %>%
select(seq1, seq1Pos, size) %>%
rename(col.0 = seq1,
col.1 = seq1Pos) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + size) %>%
filter(col.1 >=2827490 -backtraceAmount)
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exact_forPlotting = bind_rows(
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exacts %>%
select(`#target`, targetStart, length, query, queryStart, queryEnd) %>%
rename(col.0 = `#target`,
col.1 = targetStart,
other = query,
otherStart = queryStart,
otherEnd = queryEnd
) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + length),
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exacts %>%
select(query, queryStart, length, `#target`, targetStart, targetEnd) %>%
rename(col.0 = query,
col.1 = queryStart,
other = `#target`,
otherStart = targetStart,
otherEnd = targetEnd
) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + length)
) %>%
mutate(start = col.1,
end = col.2)
hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_exacts_forPlotting = bind_rows(
hb3_11_vs_3d7_11_exacts %>%
select(`#target`, targetStart, length, query, queryStart, queryEnd) %>%
rename(col.0 = `#target`,
col.1 = targetStart,
other = query,
otherStart = queryStart,
otherEnd = queryEnd
) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + length)%>%
filter(col.1 >=1849728 -backtraceAmount),
hb3_13_vs_3d7_11_exacts %>%
select(`#target`, targetStart, length, query, queryStart, queryEnd) %>%
rename(col.0 = `#target`,
col.1 = targetStart,
other = query,
otherStart = queryStart,
otherEnd = queryEnd) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + length)%>%
filter(col.1 >=2827490 -backtraceAmount)
) %>%
mutate(start = col.1,
end = col.2)
rawGeneAnnotationsColors = scheme$hex(length(unique(c(annotations_filt$product_mod))))
names(rawGeneAnnotationsColors) = unique(c(annotations_filt$product_mod))
write_tsv(tibble(names = names(rawGeneAnnotationsColors), colors = rawGeneAnnotationsColors), "")
genomicElementsColors = c()
genomicElementsColors["Duplicated\nRegion"] = "#2271B2"
genomicElementsColors["Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13"] = "#F748A5"
genomicElementsColors["Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11"] = "#3DB7E9"
genomicElementsColors["Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element"] = "#D55E00"
# genomicElementsColors["Duplicated\nRegion"] = "#4E79A7"
# genomicElementsColors["Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13"] = "#E15759"
# genomicElementsColors["Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11"] = "#59A14F"
# genomicElementsColors["Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element"] = "#B07AA1"
geneAnnotationsColors = c(rawGeneAnnotationsColors, genomicElementsColors)
sharedRegion = sharedRegion %>%
mutate(start = X2,
end = X3)
tares_chrom11_chrom13_ends = tares_chrom11_chrom13_ends %>%
mutate(start = X2,
end = X3)
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_forPlotting = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_forPlotting %>%
mutate(start = col.1,
end = col.2)
hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_forPlotting = hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_forPlotting %>%
mutate(start = col.1,
end = col.2)
hb3_chr11_chr13_annotation_plots = ggplot(annotations_filt) +
xmin = col.1,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 1
data = annotations_filt_blank,
alpha = 0) +
xmin = start,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 1
fill = "grey60",
color = "grey60",
data = HB3chromsLens_mod
) +
xmin = col.1,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 1,
fill = product_mod,
# color = product_mod
), color = "black") +
facet_wrap( ~ col.0,
scales = "free",
ncol = 1,
strip.position = "left") +
xmin = X2,
xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.1,
ymax = 0,
start = start,
end = end,
color = "Duplicated\nRegion",
fill = "Duplicated\nRegion"
data = sharedRegion %>%
mutate(col.0 = X1)
) +
xmin = X2,
xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.1,
ymax = 0,
start = start,
end = end,
color = "Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element",
fill = "Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element"
data = tares_chrom11_chrom13_ends %>%
mutate(col.0 = X1)
) +
# geom_rect(
# aes(
# xmin = col.1,
# xmax = col.2,
# ymin = -0.25,
# ymax = -0.1,
# start = start,
# end = end,
# fill = "Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13"
# ),
# data = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_forPlotting
# ) +
xmin = col.1,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = -0.25,
ymax = -0.1,
start = start,
end = end,
length = length,
other = other,
otherStart = otherStart,
otherEnd = otherEnd,
color = "Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13",
fill = "Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13"
data = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exact_forPlotting
) +
# geom_rect(
# aes(
# xmin = col.1,
# xmax = col.2,
# ymin = -0.40,
# ymax = -0.25,
# start = start,
# end = end,
# fill = "Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11"
# ),
# data = hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_forPlotting
# ) +
xmin = col.1,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = -0.40,
ymax = -0.25,
start = start,
end = end,
length = length,
other = other,
otherStart = otherStart,
otherEnd = otherEnd,
color = "Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11",
fill = "Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11"
data = hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_exacts_forPlotting
) +
sofonias_theme_backgroundTransparent +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
values = geneAnnotationsColors,
breaks = names(rawGeneAnnotationsColors),
labels = names(rawGeneAnnotationsColors),
guide = guide_legend(
override.aes = list(
color = rawGeneAnnotationsColors,
fill = rawGeneAnnotationsColors,
alpha = 1,
shape = 22,
size = 5
nrow = 8,
order = 1
) +
values = geneAnnotationsColors,
breaks = names(genomicElementsColors),
labels = names(genomicElementsColors),
guide = guide_legend(
override.aes = list(
color = genomicElementsColors,
fill = genomicElementsColors,
alpha = 1,
shape = 22,
size = 5
ncol = 1,
order = 2
) +
labs(title = "Annotations of HB3 chr11 and chr13", fill = "") +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 30), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 30, color = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(size = 30, color = "black"),
strip.text.y = element_text(size = 30, color = "black"),
legend.title = element_text(size = 30, face = "bold"),"vertical", legend.margin=margin(),
legend.background = element_blank(), = element_rect(colour = "black"))
title: Processing HB3 Nanopore assembly of chromosome 11 and 13
code-fold: true
```{r setup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
```{bash, eval = F}
cat HB3_chr1*.fasta > PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
gsed -i 's/tig00000003/PfHB3_11/g' PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
gsed -i 's/tig00000002/PfHB3_13/g' PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
```{bash, eval = F}
elucidator getKmerDetailedKmerDistAgainstRef --fasta PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --ref /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium//genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace --getRevComp --kmerLength 19 --overWrite --out --numThreads 15
elucidator getKmerDetailedKmerDistAgainstRef --fasta PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --ref /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium//genomes/pf/genomes/PfHB3.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace --getRevComp --kmerLength 19 --overWrite --out --numThreads 15
# reorient chr11 to the 3d7 direction
elucidator reOrientReads --fasta PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --ref /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium//genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta --kLength 11 --overWrite
gsed -i 's/_Comp//g' reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
nohup elucidator getUniqKmerBlocksOnGenomeAgainstRef --refGenome /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium/genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta --trimNameAtWhiteSpace --compGenome reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --kmerLength 19 --numThreads 15 --out compAgainstPf3d7 --overWrite &
mkdir fakeGenomes
ln -s ../reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta .
ln -s /tank/data/genomes/plasmodium/genomes/pf/genomes/Pf3D7.fasta .
nohup elucidator getKmerSharedBlocksBetweenGenomes --genomeDir ./ --primaryGenome Pf3D7 --klen 19 --dout compAgainst3D7 --numThreads 15 &
nohup elucidator getKmerSharedBlocksBetweenGenomes --genomeDir ./ --primaryGenome reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13 --klen 19 --dout compAgainstNewHB3 --numThreads 15 &
elucidator extractRefSeqsFromGenomes --bed "/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/hrps/windowSelectionSurroundingHRPs/mappingOutSurroundingRegions/endBeds/Pf3D7_chrom11_toEnd_all.bed" --genomeDir genomesOnlys/ --primaryGenome Pf3D7 --keepBestOnly --shortNames --combineByGenome --numThreads 3 --outputDir extractedChrom11End
elucidator extractFromGenomesAndCompare --genomeDir fakeGenomes/ --genomes reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13 --numThreads 2 --target sharedRegion --sample Pf3D7 --program exact --verbose --dout sharedRegionBlast --fasta ../sharedBetween11_and_13/investigatingChrom11Chrom13/shared_11_13_region.fasta
```{bash, eval = F}
elucidator splitFile --trimAtWhiteSpace --fasta Pf3D7.fasta
elucidator splitFile --trimAtWhiteSpace --fasta reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta --out 11_vs_11_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta --out 11_vs_13_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta --out 13_vs_11_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta --out 13_vs_13_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 PfHB3_13.fasta --out HB3_11_vs_HB3_13_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 19 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 PfHB3_11.fasta --out HB3_13_vs_HB3_11_klen19 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta --out 11_vs_11_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta --out 11_vs_13_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta --out 13_vs_11_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta --out 13_vs_13_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_11.fasta --seq2 PfHB3_13.fasta --out HB3_11_vs_HB3_13_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
elucidator findPositionsOfUniqueKmersInEachOther --kmerLength 300 --seq1 PfHB3_13.fasta --seq2 PfHB3_11.fasta --out HB3_13_vs_HB3_11_klen300 --collapse --overWrite
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_11.fasta Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_11.fasta Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_13.fasta Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_13.fasta Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_11.fasta PfHB3_13.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 -maxmatch PfHB3_13.fasta PfHB3_11.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_11.fasta Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_11.fasta Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_13.fasta Pf3D7_11_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_13.fasta Pf3D7_13_v3.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_11.fasta PfHB3_13.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
mummer -b -c -F -l 200 PfHB3_13.fasta PfHB3_11.fasta | elucidator parseMummberResultsToBed --mummerOut STDIN | elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --file STDIN --delim tab --removeEmptyColumn --header --column meta >
elucidator getReadLens --fasta Pf3D7.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace > chroms_Pf3D7.txt
elucidator getReadLens --fasta reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta --trimAtWhiteSpace > chroms_reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.txt
backtraceAmount = 50000
backtrace = backtraceAmount
sharedRegion_3d7 = readr::read_tsv("../rRNA_segmental_duplications/sharedBetween11_and_13/investigatingChrom11Chrom13/shared_11_13_region.bed", col_names = T)
hb3_11_vs_hb3_13_exacts = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/") %>% filter(strand == "+")
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exacts = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/") %>% filter(strand == "+")
hb3_11_vs_3d7_11_exacts = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/") %>%
left_join(sharedRegion_3d7 %>%
rename(query = `#chrom`, sharedStart = start, sharedEnd = end) %>%
select(query, sharedStart, sharedEnd)) %>%
filter(queryStart >= sharedStart - backtrace)
hb3_13_vs_3d7_11_exacts = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/") %>% filter(strand == "+") %>%
left_join(sharedRegion_3d7 %>%
rename(query = `#chrom`, sharedStart = start, sharedEnd = end) %>%
select(query, sharedStart, sharedEnd)) %>%
filter(queryStart >= sharedStart - backtrace)
threeD7chromsLens = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/chroms_Pf3D7.txt", col_names =c( "chrom", "len"))
HB3chromsLens = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/chroms_reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.txt", col_names =c( "chrom", "len"))
hb3_11_vs_11 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
ggplot(hb3_11_vs_11) + geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size))
hb3_13_vs_13 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
ggplot(hb3_13_vs_13) + geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size))
hb3_11_vs_13 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
ggplot(hb3_11_vs_13) + geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size))
hb3_13_vs_11 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
ggplot(hb3_13_vs_11) + geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size,
color = "hb3_13_vs_11"))+
geom_segment(aes(x = seq1Pos, xend = seq1Pos + size,
y = seq2Pos, yend = seq2Pos + size,
color = "hb3_11_vs_11"),
data = hb3_11_vs_11)
hb3_11_vs_hb3_13 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11 = readr::read_tsv("fakeGenomes/")
sharedRegion = readr::read_tsv("sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13/regions.bed", col_names = F) %>%
sharedRegion_HB3_13 = readr::read_tsv("sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13/regions.bed", col_names = F) %>%
unique() %>%
filter(X1 == "PfHB3_13")
sharedRegion_HB3_11 = readr::read_tsv("sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13/regions.bed", col_names = F) %>%
unique() %>%
filter(X1 == "PfHB3_11")
tares = readr::read_tsv("repeats_filt_starts_ends_tares.tsv") %>%
mutate(X1 = gsub("PfHB3nano", "PfHB3", X1))
tares_chrom11_end = tares %>%
filter(X1 == "PfHB3_11") %>%
tares_chrom13_end = tares %>%
filter(X1 == "PfHB3_13") %>%
tares_chrom11_chrom13_ends = bind_rows(
ggplot() +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = 0, xmax = len,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1),
fill = "grey0",
data = HB3chromsLens %>%
filter(chrom == "PfHB3_13")) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
fill = "3D7-13"),
data = hb3_13_vs_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 1, ymax = 2,
fill = "3D7-11"),
data = hb3_13_vs_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 2, ymax = 3,
fill = "HB3-11"),
data = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "shared"
data = sharedRegion_HB3_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "TARE"
data = tares_chrom11_end) +
scale_fill_tableau() +
sofonias_theme +
#axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.5,1.5, 2.5),
labels = c("3D7 chr13",
"3d7 chr11",
"HB3 chr11")) +
labs(x = "HB3-chr13 Position", title = "Exact Matches To HB3 chr13")
zoomInHB3_chr13_exactMatchesPlot = ggplot() +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = 2780000, xmax = len,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1),
fill = "grey0",
data = HB3chromsLens %>%
filter(chrom == "PfHB3_13")) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
fill = "3D7-13"),
data = hb3_13_vs_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 1, ymax = 2,
fill = "3D7-11"),
data = hb3_13_vs_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 2, ymax = 3,
fill = "HB3-11"),
data = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "Duplicated\nRegion"
data = sharedRegion_HB3_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element"
data = tares_chrom13_end) +
#scale_fill_tableau() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("3D7-11" = "#3DB7E9", "3D7-13" = "#D55E00", "HB3-11" = "#F748A5", "Duplicated\nRegion" = "#2271B2", "Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element" = "#F0E442")) +
sofonias_theme +
#axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.5,1.5, 2.5),
labels = c("3D7 chr13",
"3d7 chr11",
"HB3 chr11")) +
labs(x = "HB3-chr13 Position",
title = "Exact Matches To HB3 chr13",
fill = "") +
pdf("zoomInHB3_chr13_exactMatchesPlot.pdf", width = 11, height = 8, useDingbats = F)
zoomInHB3_chr11_to_chr13_exactMatchesPlot = ggplot() +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = 1810000, xmax = len,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1),
fill = "grey0",
data = HB3chromsLens %>%
filter(chrom == "PfHB3_11")) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 1, ymax = 2,
fill = "3D7-13"),
data = hb3_11_vs_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
fill = "3D7-11"),
data = hb3_11_vs_11) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = seq1Pos, xmax = seq1Pos + size,
ymin = 2, ymax = 3,
fill = "HB3-13"),
data = hb3_11_vs_hb3_13) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = X2, xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.5, ymax = 0,
fill = "Duplicated\nRegion"
data = sharedRegion_HB3_11) +
scale_fill_tableau() +
sofonias_theme +
#axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.5,1.5, 2.5),
labels = c("3D7 chr11",
"3d7 chr13",
"HB3 chr13")) +
labs(x = "HB3-chr11 Position", title = "Exact Matches To HB3 chr11") +
```{bash, eval = F}
cd sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13
elucidator getReadLens --fasta ../../reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13.fasta > chromLens.txt
elucidator extendToEndOfChrom --bed uniq_regions.bed --chromLengthsTable chromLens.txt --out uniq_regions_toEnd.bed
elucidator extendBedRegions --bed uniq_regions_toEnd.bed --left 50000 --out l50000_uniq_regions_toEnd.bed
elucidator bedGetIntersectingRecordsInGff --bed l50000_uniq_regions_toEnd.bed --gff ../../annotations/scaffold.out.gff3 --extraAttributes product --overWrite --features polypeptide,rRNA --out gene_out
elucidator expandTableBySeparatingColumn --fnp gene_out.bed --sep "],[" --columnName col.6 --delim tab | sed 's/.*ID=//g' | sed 's/;.*//g' | sort | uniq > ids_near_ends.txt
elucidator gffToBedByID --id ids_near_ends.txt --gff ../../annotations/scaffold.out.gff3 --overWrite --out ids_near_ends.bed
elucidator bedGetIntersectingRecordsInGff --bed ids_near_ends.bed --gff ../../annotations/scaffold.out.gff3 --extraAttributes product --overWrite --features polypeptide,rRNA --out ids_near_ends_withInfo
sed 's/evidence.*;//g' ids_near_ends_withInfo.bed > renamed_ids_near_ends_withInfo.bed
elucidator splitColumnContainingMeta --removeEmptyColumn --delim tab --column col.6 --file renamed_ids_near_ends_withInfo.bed --addHeader --out --overWrite
```{bash, eval = F}
elucidator extractRefSeqsFromGenomes --bed "/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/rRNA/all/merged_updatedrRNA_locs.bed" --genomeDir fakeGenomes/ --primaryGenome Pf3D7 --outputDir extract_rRNA_regions --numThreads 15 --overWriteDirs --selectedGenomes Pf3D7,reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13
elucidator extractRefSeqsFromGenomes --bed "/Users/nick/Dropbox (Personal)/ownCloud/documents/plasmodium/falciparum/rRNA/all/28s_rRNA_locs.bed" --genomeDir fakeGenomes/ --primaryGenome Pf3D7 --outputDir extract_28s_rRNA_regions --numThreads 15 --overWriteDirs --selectedGenomes Pf3D7,reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13
# Gene Annotations
#| code-fold: true
rRNA_28s = readr::read_tsv("extract_28s_rRNA_regions/Pf3D7_11_v3-1928933-1933138-for/beds/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13_region.bed", col_names = F) %>%
rename(col.0 = X1,
col.1 = X2,
col.2 = X3,
col.3 = X4,
col.4 = X5,
col.5 = X6) %>%
mutate(ID = "PfHB3_rRNA-28s", feature = "rRNA", product = "rRNA", product_mod = "rRNA")
annotations = readr::read_tsv("sharedRegionBlast/reOriented_PfHB3_nanopore_11_13/")
annotations = annotations %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("term=", "", product)) %>%
#rename(chrom = col.0, start = col.1, end = col.2, name = col.3, length = col.4, strand = col.5) %>%
# mutate(gene = ifelse(grepl("PF3D7_0831800", product_mod), "HRP II", "other")) %>%
# mutate(gene = ifelse(grepl("PF3D7_1372200", product_mod), "HRP III", gene)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", product_mod), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==product_mod, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("membrane associated erythrocyte binding-like protein"==product_mod, "merozoite adhesive erythrocytic binding protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("membrane associated erythrocyte binding-likeprotein"==product_mod, "merozoite adhesive erythrocytic binding protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("membrane associated histidine-rich protein 1"==product_mod, "membrane associated histidine-rich protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(",putative", ", putative", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("conserved protein, unknown function", "conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", product_mod), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==product_mod, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("membrane associated histidine-rich protein 1"==product_mod, "membrane associated histidine-rich protein", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("unknownfunction", "unknown function", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(" \\(SURFIN", "\\(SURFIN", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium exported protein", product_mod), "Plasmodium exported protein (PHIST)", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2"==product_mod, "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), exon 2, pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("sporozoite and liver stage tryptophan-rich protein, putative", product_mod), "tryptophan/threonine-rich antigen", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("CRA domain-containing protein, putative", product_mod), "conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub(",pseudogene", ", pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("surfaceantigen", "surface antigen", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("Tetratricopeptide repeat, putative", "tetratricopeptide repeat protein, putative", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("transmembraneprotein", "transmembrane protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("PfEMP1", product_mod) & grepl("pseudogene", product_mod), "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("PIR protein", "stevor", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("erythrocyte membrane protein 1-like", "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = gsub("acidic terminal segments, variant surface antigen of PfEMP1, putative", "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("CoA binding protein", product_mod, = T), "acyl-CoA binding protein", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("transfer RNA", product_mod) | grepl("tRNA", product_mod), "tRNA", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("cytoadherence", product_mod), "CLAG", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("surface-associated interspersed protein", product_mod), "SURFIN", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("SURFIN", product_mod), "SURFIN", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("stevor-like", product_mod), "stevor, pseudogene", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("exported protein family", product_mod), "exported protein family", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("rRNA", feature), "rRNA", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("serine/threonine protein kinase", product_mod), "serine/threonine protein kinase, FIKK family", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("hypothetical protein", product_mod), "hypothetical protein, conserved", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function", product_mod), "hypothetical protein, conserved", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Rifin/stevor family, putative", product_mod), "stevor", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), pseudogene", product_mod), "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1)", product_mod)) %>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("erythrocyte membrane protein 1", product_mod), "erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1)", product_mod))%>%
mutate(product_mod = ifelse(grepl("Plasmodium RESA N-terminal, putative", product_mod), "ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen", product_mod)) %>%
left_join(rRNA_28s %>%
select(col.0, col.1, col.2) %>%
rename(`28rRNA-start` = col.1,
`28rRNA-end` = col.2)) %>%
filter(!(col.1 >= `28rRNA-start` & col.1 <= `28rRNA-end`)) %>%
annotations_filt = annotations %>%
filter(ID %!in% c("PfHB3_110054900.1:pep", "PfHB3_110055000.1:pep")) %>%
filter((col.0 == "PfHB3_11" & col.1 >=1849728 -backtraceAmount) |
(col.0 == "PfHB3_13" & col.1 >=2827490 -backtraceAmount)) %>%
filter(!("hypothetical protein, conserved" == product_mod &
((col.0 == "PfHB3_11" & col.1 >=1944764) |
(col.0 == "PfHB3_13" & col.1 >=2859471))))
annotations_filt_blank = tibble(
col.0 = c("PfHB3_11", "PfHB3_13"),
col.1 = c(1849728 -backtraceAmount, 2827490 -backtraceAmount))
HB3chromsLens_mod = HB3chromsLens %>%
rename(col.0 = chrom, col.2 = len) %>%
left_join(annotations_filt_blank %>%
select(col.0, col.1) %>%
rename(start = col.1)) %>%
mutate(len = col.2 -start)
annotations_filt_blank = annotations_filt_blank %>%
left_join(HB3chromsLens_mod %>%
select(col.0, len)) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + max(len)) %>%
mutate(newLen = col.2 - col.1)
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_forPlotting = bind_rows(
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11 %>%
select(seq1, seq1Pos, size) %>%
rename(col.0 = seq1,
col.1 = seq1Pos) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + size),
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11 %>%
select(seq2, seq2Pos, size) %>%
rename(col.0 = seq2,
col.1 = seq2Pos) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + size)
hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_forPlotting = bind_rows(
hb3_11_vs_11 %>%
select(seq1, seq1Pos, size) %>%
rename(col.0 = seq1,
col.1 = seq1Pos) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + size) %>%
filter(col.1 >=1849728 -backtraceAmount),
hb3_13_vs_11 %>%
select(seq1, seq1Pos, size) %>%
rename(col.0 = seq1,
col.1 = seq1Pos) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + size) %>%
filter(col.1 >=2827490 -backtraceAmount)
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exact_forPlotting = bind_rows(
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exacts %>%
select(`#target`, targetStart, length, query, queryStart, queryEnd) %>%
rename(col.0 = `#target`,
col.1 = targetStart,
other = query,
otherStart = queryStart,
otherEnd = queryEnd
) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + length),
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exacts %>%
select(query, queryStart, length, `#target`, targetStart, targetEnd) %>%
rename(col.0 = query,
col.1 = queryStart,
other = `#target`,
otherStart = targetStart,
otherEnd = targetEnd
) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + length)
) %>%
mutate(start = col.1,
end = col.2)
hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_exacts_forPlotting = bind_rows(
hb3_11_vs_3d7_11_exacts %>%
select(`#target`, targetStart, length, query, queryStart, queryEnd) %>%
rename(col.0 = `#target`,
col.1 = targetStart,
other = query,
otherStart = queryStart,
otherEnd = queryEnd
) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + length)%>%
filter(col.1 >=1849728 -backtraceAmount),
hb3_13_vs_3d7_11_exacts %>%
select(`#target`, targetStart, length, query, queryStart, queryEnd) %>%
rename(col.0 = `#target`,
col.1 = targetStart,
other = query,
otherStart = queryStart,
otherEnd = queryEnd) %>%
mutate(col.2 = col.1 + length)%>%
filter(col.1 >=2827490 -backtraceAmount)
) %>%
mutate(start = col.1,
end = col.2)
rawGeneAnnotationsColors = scheme$hex(length(unique(c(annotations_filt$product_mod))))
names(rawGeneAnnotationsColors) = unique(c(annotations_filt$product_mod))
write_tsv(tibble(names = names(rawGeneAnnotationsColors), colors = rawGeneAnnotationsColors), "")
genomicElementsColors = c()
genomicElementsColors["Duplicated\nRegion"] = "#2271B2"
genomicElementsColors["Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13"] = "#F748A5"
genomicElementsColors["Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11"] = "#3DB7E9"
genomicElementsColors["Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element"] = "#D55E00"
# genomicElementsColors["Duplicated\nRegion"] = "#4E79A7"
# genomicElementsColors["Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13"] = "#E15759"
# genomicElementsColors["Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11"] = "#59A14F"
# genomicElementsColors["Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element"] = "#B07AA1"
geneAnnotationsColors = c(rawGeneAnnotationsColors, genomicElementsColors)
sharedRegion = sharedRegion %>%
mutate(start = X2,
end = X3)
tares_chrom11_chrom13_ends = tares_chrom11_chrom13_ends %>%
mutate(start = X2,
end = X3)
hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_forPlotting = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_forPlotting %>%
mutate(start = col.1,
end = col.2)
hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_forPlotting = hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_forPlotting %>%
mutate(start = col.1,
end = col.2)
hb3_chr11_chr13_annotation_plots = ggplot(annotations_filt) +
xmin = col.1,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 1
data = annotations_filt_blank,
alpha = 0) +
xmin = start,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 1
fill = "grey60",
color = "grey60",
data = HB3chromsLens_mod
) +
xmin = col.1,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 1,
fill = product_mod,
# color = product_mod
), color = "black") +
facet_wrap( ~ col.0,
scales = "free",
ncol = 1,
strip.position = "left") +
xmin = X2,
xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.1,
ymax = 0,
start = start,
end = end,
color = "Duplicated\nRegion",
fill = "Duplicated\nRegion"
data = sharedRegion %>%
mutate(col.0 = X1)
) +
xmin = X2,
xmax = X3,
ymin = -0.1,
ymax = 0,
start = start,
end = end,
color = "Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element",
fill = "Telomere Associated\nRepetitive Element"
data = tares_chrom11_chrom13_ends %>%
mutate(col.0 = X1)
) +
# geom_rect(
# aes(
# xmin = col.1,
# xmax = col.2,
# ymin = -0.25,
# ymax = -0.1,
# start = start,
# end = end,
# fill = "Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13"
# ),
# data = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_forPlotting
# ) +
xmin = col.1,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = -0.25,
ymax = -0.1,
start = start,
end = end,
length = length,
other = other,
otherStart = otherStart,
otherEnd = otherEnd,
color = "Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13",
fill = "Exact Matches\nHB3-chr11-to-chr13"
data = hb3_13_vs_hb3_11_exact_forPlotting
) +
# geom_rect(
# aes(
# xmin = col.1,
# xmax = col.2,
# ymin = -0.40,
# ymax = -0.25,
# start = start,
# end = end,
# fill = "Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11"
# ),
# data = hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_forPlotting
# ) +
xmin = col.1,
xmax = col.2,
ymin = -0.40,
ymax = -0.25,
start = start,
end = end,
length = length,
other = other,
otherStart = otherStart,
otherEnd = otherEnd,
color = "Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11",
fill = "Exact Matches\n3D7 chr11"
data = hb3_13_and_hb3_11_vs3d7_exacts_forPlotting
) +
sofonias_theme_backgroundTransparent +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
values = geneAnnotationsColors,
breaks = names(rawGeneAnnotationsColors),
labels = names(rawGeneAnnotationsColors),
guide = guide_legend(
override.aes = list(
color = rawGeneAnnotationsColors,
fill = rawGeneAnnotationsColors,
alpha = 1,
shape = 22,
size = 5
nrow = 8,
order = 1
) +
values = geneAnnotationsColors,
breaks = names(genomicElementsColors),
labels = names(genomicElementsColors),
guide = guide_legend(
override.aes = list(
color = genomicElementsColors,
fill = genomicElementsColors,
alpha = 1,
shape = 22,
size = 5
ncol = 1,
order = 2
) +
labs(title = "Annotations of HB3 chr11 and chr13", fill = "") +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 30), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 30, color = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(size = 30, color = "black"),
strip.text.y = element_text(size = 30, color = "black"),
legend.title = element_text(size = 30, face = "bold"),"vertical", legend.margin=margin(),
legend.background = element_blank(), = element_rect(colour = "black"))
#| fig-column: screen
#| column: screen
#| fig-column: screen
#| fig-width: 25
#| fig-height: 15
pdf("hb3_chr11_chr13_annotation_plots.pdf", width = 25, height = 15, useDingbats = F)